Bitcoin hits new all-time high at $3500, doubled in just 3 months!

It is just 3 months ago when one Bitcoin was worth $1750 and back in March this year Bitcoin was worth even less than $1000. Today BTC made a new all-time high at $3500 on Bitstamp, while it is just 2 years ago when the coin was still being traded below $250 USD. Where does this end? Should we worry about the dollar? It keeps losing a lot of value compared to bitcoin!

Meanwhile, Steem is among the biggest losers today. Too bad! I'm amazed such an amazing cryptocurrency is not ranked higher than place #22.

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Month-to-Date Change

Market Capitalization

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Latest Crypto News - August 11, 2017

Bitcoin Core Developers Remain Adamant in Opposition to SegWit2x, Potential Showdown in November

Bitcoin’s Core developers remain steadfastly opposed to the SegWit2x plan, despite the recent lock-in of their preferred scaling solution, Segregated Witness.
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Coinbase Raises $100M to "Help Accelerate Digital Currency Adoption"

On August 10 the San Francisco-based company Coinbase announced it has raised US$100M in a Series D funding round. The company says the large capital injection will be used to help “create an open financial system for the world.”
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Bitspark switching from Bitcoin to Bitshares for remittances

Bitspark, a crypto-financial provider for the APAC region providing blockchain powered end to end remittance services has announced it will be switching to the Bitshares blockchain from Bitcoin. Bitspark believes Bitshares decentralized exchange has some clear advantages for the remittance business in particular.
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HBO is trying to get $250,000 in bitcoin to pay hackers who stole Game of Thrones scripts

The hacker who stole TV show scripts from HBO has leaked an email showing a company executive offering $250,000 as a "bounty payment" to the cyber-thief, according to two news outlets.
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$200 Million In 60 Minutes: Filecoin ICO Rockets to Record Amid Tech Issues

An initial coin offering (ICO) for the blockchain data storage network Filecoin has raised an estimated $200 million from accredited investors despite being beset by technology issues.
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New Record: 10 Cryptocurrencies Have $1 Billion Market Caps

August has been a record-setting month for the cryptocurrency space. First, the bitcoin price reached an all-time high. Then – fueled by bitcoin and ethereum price rallies – the total value of all cryptocurrencies climbed to $125 billion, shattering its previous best. On Wednesday, the markets set yet another record: the number of cryptocurrencies with market caps exceeding $1 billion.
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Buyers Beware: Singapore Central Bank Issues ICO Warning

Singapore's central bank has issued an investor warning about the risks of initial coin offerings (ICOs).
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SegWit in the Wild: 4 Lessons Bitcoin Can Learn from Litecoin

How will SegWit impact the bitcoin network? Data from the already upgraded litecoin blockchain can provide an answer.
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UK Police Want to Change the Law to Make Bitcoin Seizures Easier

A research office backed by a number of U.K. law enforcement groups has proposed changing the country's laws to make seizing bitcoin easier.
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Full Steam Ahead? Segwit2x Reaffirms Bitcoin Hard Fork Plan

Segwit2x has reconfirmed plans to move forward with its 2mb hard fork in three months. Will this lead to another split?
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First Bitcoin Exchange Launching in Egypt

A cryptocurrency startup called Bitcoin Egypt is launching the first bitcoin exchange in the country this month. talked to co-founder Rami Khalil to find out more about the exchange as well as the bitcoin scene in Egypt.
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Remember when Bitcoin was worth as much as gold? ;-)

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