Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin accepted at supermarket!

Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin accepted at supermarket!

It’s happening writes theantnest on Reddit. Just look at the picture. Beautiful innit?

It truly is happening. These three top market cap coins (no Ripple here, sorry), can be seen as payment option in a supermarket desk with sausages. The picture was taken in Canada.

One thing I want to point out - a funny little bit of symbolism. The (obviously new) CryptoCurrency stickers are clean-cut while the old school debit and credit card stickers are slowly fading away. Make way for the new I say!

Onwards and upwards Steemians!

Thanks to user “theantnest” on Reddit for the picture!
Link to original post:

Let me ask you: When do you think your local supermarket will adopt CryptoCurrency payments? Tell me in the comments below.

And thanks for reading!

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