Is Bitcoin just a quicker path to destruction? Long/medium term destroying angel... Short term possible Saviour... : A Short Thought Exercise

I had this wild idea and decided to write it down.

Some say that Bitcoin is the largest wealth transfer in human history, and that it will create more millionaires and billionaires than any other single method alone. However, the largest wealth transfer in human history is still taking place and Bitcoin will only expedite this transfer. That is the wealth transfer from the living/natural world into the dead/material world. The wealth transfer from our living systems to our landfills, clean water to polluted rivers and breathable life sustaining air into lung cancer...

bitcoin eating.jpg

Irony is, this phrase was meant to convey an image of progress.

When I say Bitcoin' I'm simply referring to the financial too and all crypto-technology that seeks to optimize our current economics system.

To The Moon: Let's all get filthy rich!


There is a common meme among crytpo-currency enthusiasts. That is to buy a 'lambo' or any other fancy car with said earnings.

Or maybe the 'lambo' meme is a joke (aside from the countless photos of superfluous cars I've seen in the community)... "I'll pay off my student debt, mortgage, bills, etc".... So, what? You'll pay off your home, voting in support of massive inflationary, wealth centralizing, murderous system of 'real estate' and mortgage? Or, you'll pay off your student debt, securing the obscene profits banks make off student indoctrination. I don't mean this to be cynical (those are all nice ideas.) However, If Bitcoin was so revolutionary, why does it merely maintain and expand the status quo (that being of infinite consumption/destruction)?

More people making more money (in our present economic paradigm) only creates more destruction and only continues on the system Bitcoin once purported to overthrow (from my apparently naive understanding).

Sure, we may disrupt some aspects of our financial system. But our entire system has only brought our species closer and closer to destruction. Any system that designs a benefit to destroying our world is a lousy system. Any tool that expedites this process is a lousy tool.

Anything that makes our current economic system more efficient is only pressing the pedal down further on our path to drive off a cliff!

I was waiting for a tool that would topple our economic system and usher in a new paradigm. I fell for the Trojan horse that is Bitcoin and Crypto-currency as a whole (so it seems).

Our present economic system is rapidly taking our natural/living world and transforming it into a material/dead world. Efficiency for the sake of efficiency is not something to strive for.

To evenly distribute our global (material) wealth without drastically changing our global ethics will surely lead to our end. More people with more money, only expedites the transfer from our living world to the dead world. More Lamborghini's and eccentric garages full of cars. More superfluous materials, more mega-mansions, more waste and more shit, fuller landfills and larger dead-zones!

Oh, and I have transfered nearly every bit of my fiat into crypto-currencies! I'm fully invested!

I hate the banks and our corrupt financial system just as much as the next guy...

All of this is to say, it's a very recent realization I am coming to. I don't quite know how I want to move forward. I believe in crypto for its immediate short term benefits of decentralization with a idealized fix of our current problems. However, if it's not paired with a radical cultural paradigm shift it's only going to exacerbate the pains of before.

I'd love to hear some comments towards an ecological defense in the name of crypto! I can't say I'm not searching for a way to reconcile this cognitive dissonance.

I say it's a short term Saviour as it could be a wealth transfer to those who aren't so bought into the capitalistic consumption system. It could potentially empower (with money) those who wish to leave our current system and give us the means to do so.

I'm just going to continue transferring all of my crypto gains into buying and regenerating lands and striving towards building a less greed/destruction driven society.

What do you think? Did I miss the mark, or am I onto something here?

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