Crypto Downtrend is a Thing of Beauty for Long Term Investors


Time to Rejoice for the Chance to Volume Up Your Holdings!

Right now a lot of new users are in panic mode, not sure what to do with all these red candles on the crypto markets and a lot of weak hands probably are itching to make some major learning mistakes. This is not a time though for panic, if you trust in crypto, if you have a long term game face on right now for the future of crypto, then this moment is a godsend to pony up and grab a lot of crypto coins at amazing discount prices.

Mainstream Media and Crypto Hating Trolls will Attack!

Right now I am dealing with a huge personal attack here on Steemit by a little group of FIAT loving trolls who think crypto is a joke and that we crypto users are idiots for investing. Its a bit of a headache I am dealing with but it only shows me right now that I am on the right path. I did take something out of this though, that when the crypto markets are down they will come out of the woodwork when you have a better voice to reach people so they can down play you and scare newbs off of crypto. This my friends means we are scaring the hell out of the system and its backers, so while at first I felt stressed about this recent issue on my Steemit I kind of get it that I am here to crush their hopes that the fiat system will win.

Mainstream media and online mainstream news outlets are always calling these down trends the end of crypto. Bitcoin has died so many times in the eyes of fiat that its clear to me that they have no clue how this market works. They will leap at you to say these down trends is the bubble bursting or that we will all be losing out, this is to scare the newbs off crypto because in the end this is going to keep growing I believe and their system will keep getting less used. They are scared and lashing out my friends, what a wonderful thing to see!!


My Advice of the Day for Traders: Buy the Hell out of some Cheap Coins!!

If your like me and believe that crypto is unstoppable, then back crypto up and do yourself a favor....ante up by voluming up your holdings. To make it you got to think long term, right now you have a huge buying opprotunity. I do not care if its Bitcoin, Litecoin, or even Eth (not an Eth fan but go get some lol) just get out there on those exchanges and see the blessing that is before you right now so you can thank yourself later. I am not an investing guru, this is not financial advice but something I view the moment to be for myself as a great time to buy. This current down trend is not something to stress over, just a moment to have patience and a very strong hand as a trader.

You are in a serously living and breathing economy at this stage, it will go up and it will go down but if you believe in it and want it to thrive then you must support it and take advantage of the investment opportunites that you have before yourself right now with the buy wall prices. Trolls and fiat backed media will tell you this is the end, but I am here to tell you my crypto warriors, this is just the mighty beginnings towards the downfall of corrupted systems and souls who back them!

May your trades today do you very well, I wish you all the best and continued growth for your future.


Follow me @sflaherty

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