
Finally my Bitpay Card has Come Home!

Today I received my long awaited Bitpay card. The key to finally using my Bitcoins now and then to get groceries, pay some bills, and to turn my back completely on fiat. Yes you heard right...I am taking charge of my life and going 100% all in on crypto and not looking back with worries of any sort.

The US Dollar has never done me right and sure as heck no bank in my past either.

My decision to go all in took a bit of time to really wrap my head around if its truly possible to do. But I have tested the waters for a few months now and must say its clearly not only possible but more profitable to back crypto full time vs a little dabble now and then.

For those on the edge of this decision to trust in crypto, let me tell you this...test those waters...see for yourself, its getting easier and easier every week to not only survive but to also do something great for your life and others around you by taking a leap of faith on crypto.

Why did I choose Bitpay

I leaned towards the Bitpay Card for one reason only, the options in the USA is a little slim still. The fees on this bad boy seemed reasonable and to be honest almost all my online transactions seem to end up towards Bitpay with no hiccups in the past. My plan is to have a savings account in my EXODUS wallet and load my spendable income to cover bills and purchases completely through Bitpay.

Another selling point for me, seems more accepted in the USA and retailers will get to benefit from my usage in a day to day more transaction style. Trust me I am telling a lot of cashiers what I am using just to put that old crypto charm out there lol...I think using this card could generate conversations of how crypto can change the world.


Bitpay does ask US citizens to provide their Social Security Number for using their card. I see this as a plus though because I been sweating a way to tactfully keep up tabs on my generated income so at the end of the year come tax season I will know what I am looking at to be a legal citizen paying the taxes on my earnings. Its a pain in the arse but we are on the edge as it is with crypto so I think its wise we keep the government happy in this area to prove we are legally using these funds. Maybe when they see they can bank they will lighten up some but I hope seriously the tax crap fades and we get a system in place that stops robbing us from the hard work we do and let us keep more of our earnings here in the USA

Anyways, I am happy about this piece of mail today, wanted to share with my crypto brothers and sisters. Hopefully it works fluent and no issues come up. In the future I will post for you guys a full review after I have used it awhile and know fully the functions are solid.


Follow me @sflaherty

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