Who I Watch on YouTube for my Crypto Info Needs


Do you keep up with Crypto on a current basis? Some YouTubers are a benefit to stay in on the know...

Today I wanted to write a little shout out style info sheet on the guys I tend to lean towards more steady watching on YouTube for my crypto information gathering needs. I will do my best to find you all links for their Steemit accounts if they are on here, if not I will provide their channels so you can check them out and subscribe if you view them of value like I do. I know there is thousands of crypto guys out there on YouTube, and I will occasionally create more articles like this in the future. Right now though these are my sort of top picks in no particular order. Enjoy and remember, the more info you gather and more reading you do on your investments will always benefit you in the long run.


World Crypto Network (SUBSCRIBE HERE)

World Crypto Network has been in the game for a very long time in Bitcoin years. They opened their channel on Feb 1, 2014 and fast became one of the most in depth places to get your Bitcoin and crypto knowledge. This channel host numerous shows, a personal favorite of mine is "The Bitcoin News Show" hosted by Vortex. This show really breaks down current Bitcoin happenings and other random altcoins now and then. Usually slam packed with great panelists of experts that break everything down so all can really get the info they need.

Another top show on this channel is "The Bitcoin Group" that is hosted by Thomas Hunt. This show boasts some of the best players in Bitcoin, very knowledgeable and educational built on a format that goes from current topics to current topics in depth. You can see the likes of Tone Vays, Jimmy Song of Bitcoin development and numerous others on this show. Highly recommended for keeping up with the state of Bitcoin.

To check out WORLD CRYPTO NETWORK click here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR9gdpWisRwnk_k23GsHfcA

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This is a great YouTuber that I have been following a long time now. He has leaned a lot lately towards Ethereum in his shows but rightfully so seeing that is a fast rising trading trend. He also tends to spice it up with a constant flow of finding projects out there unseen by many. A great place to get the current trends, tips, and sometimes just to kick back because Crypt0 keeps it real and just keeps it friendly by sharing pieces of his life. This is one of the rare YouTubers I have found that you can almost get a sense of a real human being behind the numbers. Highly recommend his work for the fact he just believes in his fans and keeps everyone close in a community fashion with his channel.

A shout out to Crypt0...bro keep them music videos in the mix, I am a musician and those rock too lol!!! Join his channel and you will find out that side to him as well, talented. His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdUSSt-IEUg2eq46rD7lu_g

Crypt0 is also here on Steemit if you would like to follow him, his profile is @crypt0

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Last but not least on our list for today is my homie BTCKYLE. BTCKYLE hasn't been posting a lot of videos lately, unsure if the New York trading laws has him out of the game in a more full time manner or he is just life busy but none the less someone I still would recommend because when he does post he does break crypto down well for the new traders and old. For a long time in crypto I didn't do the YouTube route to learn, just more or less reading online but I stumbled on BTCKYLE's work in my early stages of grasping crypto and must say this guy is the key reason I believe I stuck to crypto on a few levels. BTCKYLE is a very decent guy, comes through in his videos and for the tech nerds like myself, he does provide reviews on all kinds of tech world products. Do me a favor and slam by boy BTCKYLE some subscribes today....maybe we can get him out of hiding that way lol.

You can check his channel out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNCGCxxTT10aeTgUMHW5FfQ

I promise I don't watch just these three shows, I diversify but figured these guys done me a lot of good and deserved a write up today. I will put more of these together in the future and if you have a YouTube channel on crypto that I am not aware of, let me know in the comments and I will be down to check you out and toss you a review or shout out if I like your stuff.

Give these 3 channels a look if you find the time, and remember once again...educate yourself always before you invest.


Follow me @sflaherty

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