The Dark Side Responds to the Crypto Craze

by Mark L, SGT Report:

Note: This is a fictional account that is based on factual data and direct observation. It is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Dearest plebs,

So you think you've got us by the short hairs, do you?

The only reason I'm writing this is that I've ordered a pizza with special walnut sauce and I've some time to kill.

Allow me to explain something to you piss ants...

Our families have controlled you for hundreds of years. We have created and funded every war since the 1700's. We control what you think, what you eat, and how you feel. We print your currencies, we loan it to your governments, and your job is to go to work and make your contribution toward paying us back.


You've got us scared and on the ropes, eh?

MUST READ RELATED: This Chart Shows The Bilderberg Group's Connection To Everything In The World

What are you using to purchase your crypto's? That's're using OUR money.

Buy more. In fact, we'll loan you the money to buy as many digital coins as you like. Have at it!

We've got the masses running for the stock market like addicts to the spoon, but you smart guys have us worried. For sure!

Not only are you not biting, but some of you are becoming your own central bankers by buying up the artificially depressed physical gold and silver. We're soooo scared!

Are the linguistics data telling you that crypto is the way to go? Hell yeah!!! Go get some!
But guess what? They aren't our linguistics; they are yours.

Our meetings are held in private, and everything you do will exist in our system. Understood?

Here's what not to do....

Don't educate yourself on how to live like your ancestors.

Don't invest in anything that involves the collection and storage of rainwater.

Don't invest in any seeds or chickens.

Don't learn about subsistence farming.

Don't waste time figuring out how easy it is to live completely off grid....albeit with much labor and sweat.

These things are a waste of time. Go for the gold, silver and crypto. They're a sure bet.

The last thing we want when we emerge from our bunkers is an organized, cohesive, God worshiping, compassionate, civilized society.....waiting to try us for our crimes.

We've got a better plan, and it doesn't include you.

You might want to watch this.

Gotta go. Pizza's here. Oh my............ you're so adorable.
steemit  Shot 2017-05-20 at 8.49.49 PM.png

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