Was Today's Crypto Slam a Coordinated ATTACK by the Central Criminal Banking Oligarchy?

by SGT, SGTreport.com:

So, the cryptos were taken out to the woodshed today... it was just a much needed technical correction after a huge run up, right? Perhaps.

Perhaps not.

"This is a coordinated attack by the state, again. They know there is a crash coming."

Look at this chart. What you are looking at here is today's price action in Bitcoin and Ethereum. Does the tandem nature of these crocodile teeth look natural to you?

Screen Shot 2017-06-15 at 11.16.13 PM.png

As a long time precious metal investor and silver bull I am more than familiar with the criminal activity and collusion among the big international banks to manipulate the prices of gold and silver, usually downward. In fact, they admit they do it. And still no one goes to prison.

Deutsche Bank Provides "Smoking Gun" Proof Of Massive Rigging And Fraud In The Silver Market

My friend David Morgan from silver-investor sent me a remarkably good video this evening from a You Tube channel called tinkertiger2012, the video is titled "Bitcoin Ethereum Holders EMERGENCY MESSAGE - must see links". (I will include those links below.)

The video's producer makes a multitude of lucid points about the criminal banking system, and the chart you see above.

"What it is here in my opinion is a bluff, they're trying to psych us out because their economy is about to collapse any minute now. Their economy will not last another quarter. So within the next 90 days and it could be today, could be next week, I do not think this market will make it. We have already seen they could raise it only one quarter point and look at the reaction in the S & P.... this market is coming down. You have to understand the broader implications of this criminal syndicate and that's what they are. They're hitting with both hands now. They're coming out with legislative bills, they're trying to get people to panic and trying to get you to disassociate Bitcoin as being a flight to safety."

As we have long been discussing at SGT Report, the 2008 economic meltdown brought the entire US financial system to the very brink of total collapse. In fact, in a C-Span appearance in January 2009 US Representative Paul Kanjorski explained just how close we were to the end of life as we've known it:

"We were having an electronic run on the banks. They decided to close down the money accounts... if they had not done that their estimation is that by 2 o'clock that afternoon $5.5 TRILLION would have ben drawn out of the money market system of the United States, would have collapsed the entire economy of the United States, and within 24 hours the world economy would have collapsed. It would have been the end of our economic and political system as we know it."

[Watch starting at 2:20]

With that in mind, let's return to tinkertiger2012:

"They know that this system of theirs is coming down and the last thing that they want is for people to go to Bitcon, so they come out with laws (like the Feinstein Bill)... it doesn't matter that it's nonsense. The idea is they need as much bad press and news as they could possibly get so that they could show how vulnerable you are in crypto because they DO NOT want people putting their money and putting their assets, as this market implodes, they do not want you going into Bitcoin, or Ethereum for that matter. So the idea here is that it's an attack on crypto and I can guaraantee you this is what we're looking at because you can see major bot trading here, that's the only reason you'd have an exact correlation here. Look at the timing. There's no way that these markets would be this correlated and timed so well with the FED as they always do. So were looking at the central criminal oligarchy, the bank oligarchy."

tinkertiger2012 kindly mentions the SGT report video in which former elite banker Ronald Bernard explained that "all misery on earth" is a banking "business model." You should watch, or re-watch that video below.

"I've said it before, the biggest threat for us in crypto is not our technology or our debates, our even our conflict between short term miners and ling term miners. It has nothing to do with that. It's state sponsored terrorism and they're taking it to us because they realize that we are going to get control and delver it to the people. That's the last thing they want. Governments are subservient to corporations, the corporations are subservient to the financial institutions which all funnel into one super entity."


The moral of the story my dear friends is that the attack on the cryptos today appears to be a coordinated hit by the enemies of humanity: The Luciferian banking elite. They are in an absolute panic because their Satanic system is not only being exposed on a daily basis, as my friend Harley Schlanger recently told me, it is absolutely falling apart.

The Entire Globalist System is Falling Apart -- Harley Schlanger

Here's the original video from tinkertiger2012 which I quoted in this article:

Bitcoin Ethereum Holders EMERGENCY MESSAGE

Oh, and here are those must-see links from tinkertiger2012:


Don't let them shake you out. God Bless & thanks for tuning in.

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