"It's Too Volatile" || How One Trip To The Grocery Store Debunks This Argument Against Bitcoin


A lot of people like to attack Bitcoin, Steem, and cryptocurrencies generally.

The attacks come in different types and from different angles.

One common argument I hear is:

"But it's too volatile"

This view is usually a product of cognitive dissonance.

What I mean is: most people who say this don't think about NOT BUYING allllll the other things that they buy on a daily basis that are also have price volatility.

Such as

  • eggs
  • bread
  • cheese
  • produce
  • coffee
  • gasoline (petrol)
  • stocks
  • real estate

You get the idea.

If the volatility of the price of these products really affected their willingness to buy them, they wouldn't be willing to gas up their car, buy a rental property, buy an apple, etc.

Thoughts? Leave them below.

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