'Legendary' Trader Predicts: Will Bitcoin Hit $15,000 At The End Of The Year?!

Bitcoin has experienced an incredible rise throughout 2017 - starting at around $800 at the beginning of the year, we have broken past countless all-time highs and saw Bitcoin trade at prices of over $4300.
The rise in value has surpassed all expectations, and the demand and media attention for bitcoin (and cryptocurrencies in general) has risen so much that it seems almost impossible to imagine how the price could develop in a few months -
A few experienced Bitcoin traders and speculators are doing it nonetheless.

The renowed trader "masterluc" speculates Bitcoin will reach $15.000 until the end of the year!

Who is this trader and why should his prediction be accurate?

Whenever you see such wild statements about price predictions, the first thing you want to know is: why would this person'S opinion be reasonable?
Masterluc is a veteran trader who is almost like a legend in the Bitcoin community.

First of all, he successfully predicted the top of the Bitcoin Bubble of November 2013:

“Third day in a row I wake up, see charts and ask myself "Is this the end?" and third day in a row answer is "Yes.” End of first historical bullish trend 2010-2013.”

-Predicted on December 6, 2013 at a price of $1100

He was also right about the the end of the november 2013 bubble - he had predicted it 6 months earlier:

On may 30 2013, when Bitcoin was on $132, he posted the following picture on Bitcointalk, stating that Bitcoin would enter a Bubble and that it would burst somewhere closely above $1,000.


Additionally, masterluc also predicted that the market would be on a low for several years after this bubble had burst, and would only return to a new bullish trend in 2016-2017.

“Ah, of course thanks Satoshi and community, but I am still here =) Next entering point for me is in 2016-2017 year.”

-Predicted on December 4 2013, at an all-time high of $1240

In may 2015, masterluc reconfirmed that Bitcoin would start another bullish trend in 2 years.

He only missed that prediction by 2 months - we now know that Bitcoins meteoric surge began in march 2017 at a aprice of $880.

Masterluc's newest predictions

Now, he is predicting that Bitcoin will reach $15,000 until the end of the year.

When $3500 level breaks up on weekly basis - I see no resistances till ~$15000 level mark.

He also stated that the current bull run will last until 2019 (so definitely not a bubble!) and that the Bitcoin price could reach anywhere between $40,000 - $110,000 within that timeframe.

He made this prediction while taking the movements of the 2013 bubble into account, and posted this picture and explanation:


I definately see correlation in wave structure between 2013th bubble and a current.
You can see some historical trends here. The lowest defines "Normal growth" and price is currently inside it. The upper ones defines "mid and super grow". Once price enters them it will start dramatical growth due deflational Bitcoin nature.

Corelations I see between 2013 and current bubbles marked by circles. So taking into account that correlations I announce dramatical price rise from approximately $40,000 USD in quick and pessimistic version to more than $100,000 USD and prolonged optimistic version.
Deadline for this action is till 2019.

$7500 until the end of the year - prediction by Ronny Moas

Renowed stock researcher and trader Ronny Moas has predicted that Bitcoin will rise until $7500 within 2017.
Moas is the #9 stock picker from 4558 analysts and has even made a business out of his very accurate predictions.
A few months ago, he actually predicted that Bitcoin would hit $5000 towards the end of the year - and since we're nearly at that goal already, he corrected his prediction now.


What do YOU predict ?

I personally can't go as far as predicting the Bitcoin price - the recent price surge has surprised all of us time and time again, so I think it's almost impossible to imagine where the value will be at in a few months - let alone several years.
I believe that $7500 until the end of the year might be possible, but even though $15000 sounds very over the top, we might even reach that - who knows!
The market has been so unpredictable this year, remember that we started off at around $800 and passed countless all-time highs until even reaching values of over $4300.

What is your prediction for the Bitcoin price until the end of the year?

I'd be very interested to know and to discuss, please leave your suggestion in the comments below!

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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