The Third Bitcoin is the One to Watch!

Here's a news release coming out everywhere in syndication tomorrow. It's by the folks at, a site that will go live on Great Fork Day, August 1. It's essentially a topic Rosetta Stone, recap and sneak preview of coming attractions.

"We are going to reunite Bitcoin lovers by giving them technology so advanced they will quit forking around with Satoshi's old prototype and finish the global financial superhighway!" -- Stan Larimer

Here are the seven must read posts in the order you should read them. If you are in a hurry, don’t miss the last three - Doc Brown’s three part series on how to take Bitcoin back to the future. Part 3 comes out on the August 1 after the 3-way split has been “locked into blockchain history”.

You will never look at Bitcoin the same way again.

Stan Larimer, President
The Godfather of BitShares, Bitcoin United, and the HERO

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