BITCOIN: It should come as no surprise that we maintain a BULLISH recommendation on BITCOIN and I am sticking firmly to the +$1,000,000 Minimum Target for BITCOIN. Current Price = $3,172. BULLISH.



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As BITCOIN continues to put two fingers up to the corrupt, manipulated and fraught Global Financial System, it punches through the $3,000 ceiling.

Last week saw the latest Hard Fork, that despite all the hype, I still failed to see what all the fuss was about.

BITCOIN is BITCOIN and though there has been a fork with BITCOIN CASH, BITCOIN will always be the Daddy..!!

With a Market Capital of no less than $52 billion, and with NO DEBT, it still remains pocket change to the Global Unfunded Futures Liabilities that are growing at an unprecedented pace and currently stand in excessive of $750 trillion.

Until someone can tell me how the hell on earth do Governments and Bank intend to pay off this reckless borrowing, BITCOIN remains exceptionally UNDERVALUED.

It should therefore come as no surprise that we maintain a BULLISH recommendation on BITCOIN and though we will continue to monitor the technicals over the next few weeks, I am sticking firmly to my +$1,000,000 Minimum Target for BITCOIN.

Thanks again for reading.


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