BITCOIN: When I first called +$1,000,000 BITCOIN a while ago, some said I was totally crazy, some said I was a genius..!!

BITCOIN = +$1,000,000?

I was just scanning my twitter feed earlier and I came across this I just had to share.

A while ago I made a call on BITCOIN and said it had a LIMITLESS TARGET.

At the time I was questioned repeatedly, what did I mean by, "a limitless target"..??

For me, it is very simple.

With BITCOIN capped at 21,000,000 coins my target for Bitcoin starts at +$1,000,000..!!

Some say I am crazy, some say I am a genius.

All I can say is that Mathematics and +30 years experience in: Finance, Construction, Heavy Engineering, Investments and Systems tells me I know I am right..!!

Looks like I am not the only one..!!

Thanks for reading.



Max is running a poll on it..!!

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