Ethereum Skyrock! Ethereum Classic to follow?

I notice in my trading a lot of trends. One is that whatever ethereum does, ethereum classic tends to lag, but eventually follow a similar percentage increase/decrease pattern. So, I sold half of my tradeable ethereum (yes, there is ethereum that will not be traded for a while) and bought into Ethereum Classic, Library Credits and TRST.

There are a lot of haters of Ethereum Classic, but regardless of your flavor, do you hate money?

The following are my top five reinvests for my bitcoin profits, with a little sidenote of each:

  1. Stratis: Yes I know that (STRAT) recently reached six dollars, but y'all said this when ethereum hit 9 dollars. This is the same product with an easier to use code. I bought at 18 cents and haven't looked back. A money train to take home to the bank.
  2. WeTrust (TRST)- Found only really on Bittrex and a few smaller exchanges, this coin has Vitalik, Bo Shen and the CEO of Open Bazaar on their advisory board with a bunch of brains from google making it work, with their RASCA peer to peer lending product launching shortly.
  3. Waves Platform- (WAVES) has been a huge product for me and I am throwing nickel and dime at this one and putting on my wallet to have altcoins rain into my portfolio. Not to mention, it's awesome product and capitalization to reflect such.
  4. Expanse- (EXP) which is run by James Clayton, founder of Crypto Currency Collector's Club has a small ass market cap, busy dev team and are marketing all over the world. A cheaper and more efficient way to use ethereum projects, I haven't looked back after buying for 50 cents (2.50 now)
  5. Siacoin- (SIA) This is my sleeper. My two hundred bucks in this coin is growing with every successful trade I make. I highly recommend this one as a medium term growth coin.

Bonus Sleeper: Library Credits (LBC). This one is easy, they are launching their product in June, which sounds awesome (decentralized youtube) and is dirt cheap due to its recent pullback. A must accumulate ahead of its launch.

I hope that these coins have made you some money.
If you rake it in, feel free to tip me at:
Ethereum: 0x3315b416CAc31092E7cbBAD1229525B8dd4eC0E9
Bitcoin: 1FXATpR8j2146RqfWPBCKeLqQDXjj6fd42

Thanks for reading, and stay profitable!

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