🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 3rd 💰

  • US Senate Moves to Criminalize Non-Disclosure of Cryptocurrency Ownership
  • Viral Cat Game Responsible for Huge Portion of Ethereum Transactions
  • Record ICO Tezos Founders Seek Bail-Out From Foundation
  • What Is IOTA’s DAG Implementation?
  • 'Microraiden' Payment Channels Go Live on Ethereum Network
  • STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

🗞 US Senate Moves to Criminalize Non-Disclosure of Cryptocurrency Ownership

The US Senate Judiciary Committee is currently tackling bill S.1241 that aims to criminalize the intentional concealment of ownership or control of a financial account. The bill also would amend the definition of ‘financial account’ and ‘financial institution’ to include digital currencies and digital exchanges, respectively. According to ranking committee member Senator Dianne Feinstein, the proposed bill is needed to modernize existing AML laws.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/us-senate-moves-to-criminalize-non-disclosure-of-cryptocurrency-ownership

🗞 Viral Cat Game Responsible for Huge Portion of Ethereum Transactions

Cute, cuddly kittens are taking over the Ethereum network, and are presently responsible for 4% of the transactions taking place on the so-called “world computer.” That’s right, the smart contract platform that could potentially disrupt multiple industries is now playing host to a viral cat game.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/viral-cat-game-responsible-for-huge-portion-of-ethereum-transactions

🗞 Record ICO Tezos Founders Seek Bail-Out From Foundation

Following mounting lawsuits, the founders of Tezos are seeking for their legal costs to be covered by the Swiss-based foundation tasked with managing the funds generated through the company’s ICO (initial coin offering). If successful, the Tezos founders will be using the funds of the very ICO participants that sued the company to pay for their legal expenses.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/tezos-founders-seek-bail-out-from-foundation/

🗞 What Is IOTA’s DAG Implementation?

Ever since the IOTA project launched, a lot of people have been paying attention to its Tangle infrastructure. There is still a lot of confusion as to whether or not this technology is similar to a blockchain or is something else entirely. The Directed Acyclic Graph – or DAG – is a very unique creature that isn’t like any other blockchain in existence. However, that doesn’t have to be a bad thing, depending on how much trust you want to put in other people.

Read more & Source: https://themerkle.com/what-is-iotas-dag-implementation/

🗞 'Microraiden' Payment Channels Go Live on Ethereum Network

A streamlined version of the Raiden payments channel network has been launched on the main ethereum blockchain.

Activated yesterday, the launch comes months after µRaiden – known more commonly as "microraiden" – first launched on an ethereum test net. The idea behind the project, which is a simpler take on the still-in-development Raiden network, is to provide a mechanism for micropayments similar to bitcoin's Lightning network.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/microraiden-payment-channels-go-live-ethereum-network/

Steem Trading Update by @cryptopassion

As predicted in my previous publications, the STEEM has broken the resistance line of the triangle and is currently doing a Break Out :

We should now continue the UP and go test the levels of 1.40$.

🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 2nd💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, December 1st💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 30th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 29th💰
🗞 Daily Crypto News, November 28th💰

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