🗞 Daily Crypto News, February 15th 💰

  • DC Blockchain Hearing Sees Call for Congressional Commission
  • S. Korea Responds To Public Petition: No Crypto Trading Ban, But Gov’t ‘Still Divided’;
  • Ripple Partners With Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority To Offer Pilot Program For Banks;
  • Report Claims Litecoin is the Second Most Adopted Currency on Dark Marketplaces
  • Malaysia Central Bank to ”Let Public Decide” Crypto’s Fate
  • 📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, February 15th 💰
  • STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

🗞 Microsoft To Implement Blockchain-Based ID System

Members of the U.S. House of Representatives got a crash course on blockchain today, with subcommittees of the Science, Space and Technology Committee meeting to hear testimony on the tech.

During the “Beyond Bitcoin: Emerging Applications for Blockchain Technology” hearing, the House Subcommittee on Research and Technology and the Subcommittee on Oversight asked a range of questions, primarily aimed at getting a sense of which use cases have attracted the most attention today – and could, in theory, wind up being used by the U.S. government itself.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/dc-blockchain-hearing-sees-call-for-congressional-commission/

🗞 S. Korea Responds To Public Petition: No Crypto Trading Ban, But Gov’t ‘Still Divided’

South Korea’s government said its regulatory course on cryptocurrencies is aiming to “prevent any illegal acts or uncertainties” in fresh comments Wednesday, Feb. 14.

Quoted by various media outlets, the country’s minister of the office for government policy coordination Hong Nam-ki released a statement in response to last month’s public petition against harsh regulation or an outright ban on cryptocurrency trading.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/s-korea-responds-to-public-petition-no-crypto-trading-ban-but-govt-still-divided

🗞 Ripple Partners With Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority To Offer Pilot Program For Banks

Ripple has announced an agreement today, Feb. 14, with the Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) to provide support for Ripple’s cross-border payments technology to banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).

SAMA and Ripple have created a pilot program to provide support to KSA banks to use xCurrent, Ripple’s enterprise software solution that enables banks to instantly settle cross-border payments with end-to-end tracking.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/ripple-partners-with-saudi-arabian-monetary-authority-to-offer-pilot-program-for-banks

🗞 Report Claims Litecoin is the Second Most Adopted Currency on Dark Marketplaces

A recent study has revealed Litecoin to be the second most adopted means of payment among dark marketplaces. The study also indicated a significant increase in adoption of Monero among English-speaking platforms.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/study-indicates-litecoin-second-popular-dark-marketplace-currency/

🗞 Malaysia Central Bank to ”Let Public Decide” Crypto’s Fate

Malaysia’s central bank, Bank Negara, is set to release a “concept paper,” calling for the public to decide the fate of cryptocurrencies in the country, according to a recent report. Bank Negara governor Muhammad Ibrahim is said to have assured the bank will neither ban nor recognize cryptocurrency, and that the paper will be finalized in February.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/malaysia-central-bank-let-public-decide-cryptos-fate/

Daily Crypto Calendar, February, 14th

  • Bounty0x (BNTY)

Complete platform redesign, integrated social media automation, enhanced bounty host dashboard with bounty campaign stats & more.

  • WAX (WAX)

WAX will be at the d10e Conference in Silicon Valley, CA from February 15-18, 2018.

  • Playkey (PKT)

Pkt to be listed on HitBTC mid February.

  • Social (SCL)

"Since we realistically see a release inside of March, our marketing will begin in early February "


PIVX is proud to be a Gold level sponsor at the annual Anarchapulco convention.


STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

The STEEM is following the BTC up but didn't yet test his previous TOP :

I traced you the move that we still have to do to start to test that line. Any break of that line should accelerate the Bullish trend on the STEEM.

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