🗞 Daily Crypto News, January 26th 💰

  • Russia’s Ministry of Finance Legalizes Cryptocurrency Trading, Central Bank Disagrees;
  • Bitcoin 2018 Price Projection Using Monte Carlo Random Walks: ~50,000 USD ;
  • John McAfee: We’ll Screw up the Future, But It’ll Still be Better Than What We Have Today;
  • Bitconnect Faces Lawsuit for Operating “Wide-Reaching Ponzi Scheme”
  • PBoC Official Pushes for Centralized State Digital Currency
  • Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings - Top Picks!
  • BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

🗞 Russia’s Ministry of Finance Legalizes Cryptocurrency Trading, Central Bank Disagrees

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (Minfin) has presented the Digital Assets Regulation Bill which defines and establishes a regulatory system for cryptocurrencies, ICOs, mining and trading, local media outlet TASS news agency reported today Jan. 25.

Notably, the central bank of Russia disagrees with Ministry of Finance that cryptocurrency exchange should be legally accepted. According to the central bank, the digital currency trading rules should be only applied to tokens that would attract financial investments.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/russias-ministry-of-finance-legalizes-cryptocurrency-trading-central-bank-disagrees

🗞 Bitcoin 2018 Price Projection Using Monte Carlo Random Walks: ~50,000 USD

Using the Monte Carlo statistical projection method, combined with what are known as random walks, Xoel López Barata developed some pretty fun bitcoin price scenarios for the end of this year. His projections are compelling because he follows data, revealing the difficulty being able to accurately prophesize much about the world’s most popular cryptocurrency’s path.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitcoin-2018-price-projection-using-monte-carlo-random-walks-50000-usd/

🗞 John McAfee: We’ll Screw up the Future, But It’ll Still be Better Than What We Have Today

John McAfee has already established himself as a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency world. With his background in programming and cybersecurity, he seems to be pretty fascinated by the decentralized technology and what it has to offer to the world.

We had a talk with him during the Cruise Asia, that took place Jan. 15- 19, and found out how he researches the coins to promote, whether he has any regrets about them and why Blockchain is the best thing that happened to the humanity.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/john-mcafee-well-screw-up-the-future-but-itll-still-be-better-than-what-we-have-today

🗞 Bitconnect Faces Lawsuit for Operating “Wide-Reaching Ponzi Scheme”

Bitconnect is facing litigation from six individuals accusing the company of operating a Ponzi scheme in addition to numerous violations of securities laws. The six plaintiffs collectively invested approximately $771,000 USD into Bitconnect, and are seeking recourse following the sudden removal of the company’s lending platform that immediately led to a more than 90% loss in the value of Bitconnect tokens.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/bitconnect-faces-lawsuit-operating-ponzi-scheme/

🗞 PBoC Official Pushes for Centralized State Digital Currency

China's central bank is considering its own digital currency, but it may not be built with blockchain technology, according a senior official.

In an op-ed article published by Chinese media outlet Yicai, Fan Yifei, vice governor of the People's Bank of China (PBoC), outlined the bank's early direction on a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Fan stated that that central bank's CBDC will inherently differ from tokens are issued through decentralization, while centralized management and issuance will remain a high level priority.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/pboc-official-pushes-centralized-state-digital-currency/

🗞 Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings - Top Picks!

B Ratings
Ethereum and EOS

B- Ratings
Steem, Cardano and NEO

Ark, Bitcoin, GByte, Dash, Decred,Litecoin, NEM,

Read more & Source: @vlemon/weiss-cryptocurrency-ratings-top-picks

BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

Yesterday, I was showing you this chart :

Here is the current chart :

It is done, the downtrend line has been tested and broken with volume.

To confirm our scenario, we need now to go tested the previous TOP where I traced you the orange line. We have indeed always a risk of a Head Fake like we had some days ago so a test to this orange line should confirm the current scenario.

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