đź—ž Daily Crypto News, January 3rd đź’°

  • Rising Ripple Threatens to Usurp Bitcoin and Usher In “The Rippening” ;
  • Community-Focused Exchanges with Proprietary Tokens Are Prospering
  • Peter Thiel’s VC Fund Invests Millions Into Bitcoin, Market Reacts
  • The Cream of the Crypto Crop: 10 Best Performing Assets in 2017
  • Cardano Price Surpasses $1 Milestone for the First Time
  • BTC Trading Update

🗞 Rising Ripple Threatens to Usurp Bitcoin and Usher In “The Rippening”

First came ethereum, which threatened to unseat bitcoin as the dominant cryptocurrency in an event dubbed The Flippening. Then came bitcoin cash, which lay a glove on bitcoin core in The Cashening. Now, a revitalized ripple (XRP) is eyeing bitcoin’s top spot. Could the centralized cryptocurrency usurp bitcoin’s market cap, heralding The Rippening?

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/rising-ripple-threatens-usurp-bitcoin-ushering-rippening/

đź—ž Community-Focused Exchanges with Proprietary Tokens Are Prospering

“Community” is a word that is synonymous with cryptocurrency projects, but aside expressing a desire to develop a strong user base, what does it actually mean? For exchanges, having a community-oriented model means consulting customers on new tokens, incentivizing participation, and creating a revenue-sharing system. Binance and Kucoin are two platforms that have tried this model, and it’s been paying dividends.

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/community-focused-exchanges-proprietary-tokens-prospering/

🗞 Peter Thiel’s VC Fund Invests Millions Into Bitcoin, Market Reacts

Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and an early Facebook investor, also serves on President Trump’s technology advisory council. At an investment conference in October, Thiel spoke positively about cryptocurrency, and in particular about Bitcoin, saying:

“While I’m skeptical of most [cryptocurrencies], I do think people are a little bit underestimating bitcoin, specifically, because it is like a reserve form of money. If bitcoin ends up being the cyber equivalent of gold, it has great potential.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/peter-thiels-vc-fund-invests-millions-into-bitcoin-market-reacts

đź—ž The Cream of the Crypto Crop: 10 Best Performing Assets in 2017

With 2017 now firmly in the rearview mirror, it is time to take stock of the best-performing digital currencies of the year. Bitcoin grabbed plenty headlines on its way to a brief stop at $20,000, but in terms of percentage gains, it doesn’t even crack the top 10.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-cream-of-the-crypto-crop-10-best-performing-assets-in-2017

đź—ž Cardano Price Surpasses $1 Milestone for the First Time

It is safe to say we live in a very interesting time when it comes to cryptocurrencies. More specifically, a lot of money is flowing into this ecosystem, although not all of it may end up where it should be. While diversification in the cryptocurrency world is always advised, it is still unclear what drives the Cardano price. Especially now that it has surpassed $1, there are still a lot of questions which need to be answered.

Read more & Source: https://themerkle.com/cardano-price-surpasses-1-milestone-for-the-first-time/

BTC Trading by @cryptopassion

Two days ago, I was showing you this prediction :

Here is the current chart :

As you can see, we followed closely my prediction and we used the downtrend line (orange line) as a support line to help us. We are now going into the direction of the resistance line, the first line in red. So my objective was correct and we will have now to see how the market will react when we will touch that resistance line.

The touch on that resistance line can send us back again and starts a new drop or we will be able to break it and be back inside the trading canal. I won't advise you to trade the BTC before we see what will happen at that level because we can have a result very different.

đź—ž Daily Crypto News, January 2ndđź’°
đź—ž Daily Crypto News, January 1stđź’°
đź—ž Daily Crypto News, December 31stđź’°

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