πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, November 9th πŸ’°


  • Bitcoin Over Stocks: Millennials Moving With Times, Study Shows
  • CoinDesk's Top 10 Token Traders and Analysts of 2017
  • Quantum Computers Could Jack Your Crypto Private Key in 10 Years, Researchers Say
  • With Segwit2X Called Off, Crypto Developers Get Back to Work
  • STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

πŸ—ž Bitcoin Over Stocks: Millennials Moving With Times, Study Shows

Millennials often get the blame for ruining traditions and the established order of things, but they may well be on the right path when it comes investing. A survey has found that the next generation of investors are no longer interested in stocks, looking rather at a new technology.

Bitcoin and associated currencies are ideally suited to the millennial mindset, the same mindset that has seen them fed up with banks and irritated at the hegemony of the old money and the traditional investment options.

Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/coindesks-top-10-token-traders-analysts-2017/

πŸ—ž CoinDesk's Top 10 Token Traders and Analysts of 2017

Cryptocurrency analysts and traders have taken to social media and other platforms to publicly share their insights and advice on industry trends, popular tokens, price predictions and high reward trades.

Twitter is the most impactful forum, while CoinDesk guest contributors and Medium blog posts offer longer-form analysis and insight from around the world.
Read more & Source: https://www.coindesk.com/coindesks-top-10-token-traders-analysts-2017/

πŸ—ž Quantum Computers Could Jack Your Crypto Private Key in 10 Years, Researchers Say

That's according to researchers at the National University of Singapore and colleagues who have estimated how soon the computers might be able to break bitcoin's security. Based on the most aggressive estimates for the advancement of quantum computation, private keys might be cracked as early as 2027, their paper says.

"Many presumably quantum-safe public-key signature schemes have been proposed in the literature."

Read more & Source : https://www.coindesk.com/update-complete-no-ethereums-new-software-isnt-stable-just-yet/

πŸ—ž With Segwit2X Called Off, Crypto Developers Get Back to Work

Over the past few weeks, a fog of uncertainty over bitcoin’s direction has forced a number of crypto projects to grind to a halt. Everything from blockchain development to token generation events has been on ice while the machinations surrounding the Segwit2X hard fork played out. Following yesterday’s news that the proposal had been abandoned, developers have wasted no time in getting back to business.

Read more & Source : https://news.bitcoin.com/segwit2x-called-off-crypto-developers-get-back-work/

STEEM Trading Update (from yesterday night) by @cryptopassion

This morning I was posting you that chart :

Here is the chart that we currently have :

Half of the move is already done and we could have a little consolidation soon before continuing our UP to go test the resistance line.
I really think it can be the opportunity to break that resistance line and start the break out of our triangle to go first test the previous top around $1.60-$1.65.

πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, November 8thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, November 7thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, November 6thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, November 5thπŸ’°
πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, November 4thπŸ’°

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