đź—ž Daily Crypto News, October 1st đź’°



  • Japan Issues Cryptocurrency Exchange Licenses
  • Australian Securities & Investments Commission Issues Guidance for Initial Coin Offerings
  • Swiss Regulators Investigating ICOs, Still Support Blockchain
  • Hanson Robotics Is Building a Blockchain-Based AI Marketplace
  • Why Blockchain Technology is Perfect for Fighting DDoS Attacks
  • BTC Daily Trading Update by @cryptopassion


Daily Crypto News

đź—ž Japan Issues Cryptocurrency Exchange Licenses

In stark contrast to its neighbors China and South Korea, who are increasing efforts to ban ICO’s and the trade in digital currencies, The Financial Services Agency(FSA) in Japan approved 11 companies to operate cryptocurrency exchanges in the country.

Exchanges are now allowed to operate without a license up until this point but regulating the industry will aid in the fight to combat fraud, while still keeping innovation alive.

FSA officials say:

“With the new regulation, Tokyo aims to balance the need to protect investors with the need to support fintech innovations.”

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/japan-issues-cryptocurrency-exchange-licenses


đź—ž Australian Securities & Investments Commission Issues Guidance for Initial Coin Offerings

This week, the Australian Securities & Investments Commission published a media release seeking to clarify the regulatory requirements of ICOs operating in Australia. ASIC has avoided adopting a one size fits all regulatory approach to ICOs, stating “whether the Corporations Act applies to an ICO will depend on the type of ICO offering and what rights attach to the coins from the ICO itself, underlying coins or tokens used in the ICO… In Australia, the legal status of an ICO is dependent of the circumstances of the ICO, such as how the ICO is structured and operated, and the rights attached to the coin (or token) offered through the ICO.”

Read more & Source: https://news.bitcoin.com/63601-2/


đź—ž Swiss Regulators Investigating ICOs, Still Support Blockchain

The Swiss financial regulatory board, Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA), has increased its investigations into ICOs in Switzerland, according to a press release yesterday. The move comes after a substantial uptick in the number of ICOs based in the country, according to the document.

The Swiss financial board has also indicated that many of the ICOs that are currently active have already likely breached existing law that regulates financial instruments within the country. These include money laundering and terrorist measures, securities trading provisions, investment scheme laws, and banking laws.

Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/swiss-regulators-investigating-icos-still-support-blockchain



đź—ž Hanson Robotics Is Building a Blockchain-Based AI Marketplace

It is quite an ambitious project by Hanson Robotics. The company is best known for its Sophia robot (click the link to discover why it made headlines recently), yet it is also working on a few other projects. One of these concepts involves a blockchain-based marketplace where artificial intelligence developers from all over the world can share their creations.

That is a rather intriguing concept, as it is one of the first times we’ve seen a company actively trying to bring AI and blockchain technologies together. Everyone connected to this decentralized marketplace will be able to access the shared AI creations and use them to enhance existing robots. Additionally, they can use the software as a foundation to build bigger and better hardware in general. The project creates an unlimited number of possibilities; that much is certain.

Read more & Source: https://themerkle.com/hanson-robotics-is-building-a-blockchain-based-ai-marketplace/


đź—ž Why Blockchain Technology is Perfect for Fighting DDoS Attacks

Current systems use centralized servers to try to absorb the large volume of spam information that can result in DDoS. However, the nature of DDoS attacks makes the bandwidth required to process this much data almost insurmountable.

A decentralized platform allows users to rent out their bandwidth, which can then be pooled to allow for substantially greater amounts of data processing, greatly reducing the risk of DDoS success. According to inc.com:

“By using Blockchain, Maryland-based Gladius is creating a system that would allow people to rent out their unused bandwidth, so that it can be used to absorb malicious DDoS traffic and mitigate attacks.”


Read more & Source: https://cointelegraph.com/news/why-blockchain-technology-is-perfect-for-fighting-ddos-attacks



BTC Trading Update by @cryptopassion

A small update to say you that the inverted head and shoulders is still valid and active

As I explained you in my previous publications, we should touch at least the 4500$ quiet soon now.

Source: @cryptopassion/btc-inverted-head-and-shoulders-still-valid-4500usd-as-target


đź—ž Daily Crypto News, September 30th đź’°

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đź—ž Daily Crypto News, September 28th đź’°


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