🗞 Daily Crypto News, March, 29th💰

  • IOHK Founder Charles Hoskinson Says Crypto Industry Needs More Interoperability ;
  • Coinbase Leads Wall Street to Brave New World of Crypto Staking;
  • New USStocks Token Lets Investors Access US Stock Market With Stablecoin Dai;
  • Fake Volume on Crypto Exchanges Isn’t the Half of It;
  • Russian Mining Giant to Tokenize Palladium ;
  • 📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, March, 29th💰
  • STEEM Trading Update

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

🗞 IOHK Founder Charles Hoskinson Says Crypto Industry Needs More Interoperability

Charles Hoskinson, a founder of IOHK, the firm that developed cryptocurrency Cardano (ADA), said that the cryptocurrency industry needs a “WiFi or Bluetooth moment” in an interview with media outlet Cheddar on March 28.

Speaking about the status of the cryptocurrency industry, Hoskinson said that it needs specific standards that will facilitate the development of more interoperability. Per Hoskinson, it will allow communication and information to be traded in an easier way among both digital currency and traditional financial institutions. Hoskinson argued:

"What we are seeing is a collection of standards being created [that] will inevitably converge over the next three to five years to create a situation where you can move information and value between all these different systems ー not just Bitcoin to Litecoin to Ethereum to Cardano ー but also your regular bank account."

🗞 Coinbase Leads Wall Street to Brave New World of Crypto Staking

The Takeaway:

Coinbase Custody is offering staking services to institutional clients, starting with Tezos.

Client assets will remain inside Coinbase’s fully insured cold storage at all times, mitigating risk to investors.

Since staking requires some funds to be kept online, Coinbase will put up its own coins, assuming the risk.

After deducting Coinbase’s fee, clients can expect to earn about 6.6 percent annually, the firm says.

🗞 New USStocks Token Lets Investors Access US Stock Market With Stablecoin Dai

Decentralized financial contracts platform UMA has partnered with Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) MakerDAO to release a token tied to the United States stock market, UMA announced in a blog post on March 27.

The ERC-20 token, dubbed USStocks, seeks to offer investors access to the U.S. stock market using cryptocurrency. Users can purchase the token using MakerDAO’s own USD-backed stablecoin, Dai (DAI).

Decentralized cryptocurrency exchange DDEX is currently the platform of choice for onboarding potential investors.

🗞 Fake Volume on Crypto Exchanges Isn’t the Half of It

Recently, a report was produced by Bitwise Asset Management showing the existence of faked volumes in the bitcoin market – 95% of total volume according to its research. It’s hard to disagree with many of the facts in the report. Yet there are some items left out in this presentation to the SEC.

It’s hard to justify bitcoin is a mature asset and has a sophisticated market supporting it. And despite the fabricated volumes across crypto exchanges, this presentation makes a compelling argument there is maturity.

🗞 Russian Mining Giant to Tokenize Palladium

Russian billionaire Vladimir Potanin is planning to create cryptocurrency tokens backed by palladium, Bloomberg reported on March 27.

Potanin — who is CEO of the Russian nickel and palladium mining and smelting company MMC Norilsk Nickel PJSC (Nornickel) — plans to deploy cryptocurrency tokens for trading palladium through a Switzerland-based palladium fund, and wants to launch several digital platforms.

According to Bloomberg, the platform will enable more fluid transactions. Currently, should a buyer discover that they do not need all the contracted volume in a purchase, they must either renegotiate with the supplier or sit on the excess supply until they find a buyer. However, with a tokenized asset, they could ostensibly sell the excess volume to a third party more easily.


📑 Daily Crypto Calendar, March, 29th💰

Nexus hosts workshops at the IETF in Prague during the afternoons of March 29 and 30.

Last trade of Bitcoin futures contract for March, 29th 2019. Trading terminates at 4 PM GMT.

Lethean will release its main product which is a wallet with VPN capabilities.

"Dear friends! The release of AzartPay wallet for iOS will be held on March 29."

EDN releases technical paper, SDK & SDK document, and SDK sample codes to showcase their beta wallet.


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yesterday :


Here is the current chart :


We are consolidating just in the middle of the 2 lines, waiting to see what the master BTC will do. We should go test one the 2 lines quiet soon. We have clear support and resistance on the chart and it would be nice if we can go test the resistance line around 0.49$.


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