To Ponzi or Not To Ponzi ===>> A Response to @Streetstyle

This is an article response to a wonderfully written two-part article post by @Streetstyle.

THIS ISN'T ADVERTISING OR SOLICITATION, but simply discussion with a fellow Steemian.

If you would like to first read what I am responding to, here are the links to both articles.

Part 1: @streetstyle/to-ponzi-or-not-to-ponzi-a-look-into-bitconnect-and-the-bcc-coin

Part 2: @streetstyle/to-ponzi-or-not-to-ponzi-a-look-into-bitconnect-and-the-bcc-coin-part-ii

I made sure to upvote and resteem both articles given that it was an unbiased, honest approach, and presented everything important that has been surrounding Bitconnect that could be viewed as positive or negative.

I believe his approach to be extremely important given that people generally tend to go off on their personal feelings, highlight certain things that support their argument while dismissing other aspects that would be contrary to their argument, basically being highly subjective within their approach. Being subjective isn't always the best approach when trying to figure out something such as a service that is new running on and being supported by a technology that is also new.

I, like @Streetstyle am also a member of the Bitconnect platform. And like many people who know about the service, have plenty of questions regarding the people behind the service or how the service works more specifically.

What gave me the indication that many of these questions may not be answered was when I found out the name of Bitconnect's "lead developer" Mr. Satao Nakamoto. That is very similar to the ever elusive Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto, the alleged name of the creator of Bitcoin.

Then it all began to make sense to me. I remember back in 2014 when this happened regarding Bitcoin.

The gentleman in the video had emphatically denied "publicly" being Satoshi Nakamoto or having anything to do with Bitcoin. Now the Bitcoin community was being looked at as a group of ill-informed people investing in something outrageous called "Bitcoin", a digital currency used by drug dealers and criminals, and now it doesnt even have a creator.

The genius move behind such anonymity by it's true developer in my opinion is the fact that throughout all of the criticism of Bitcoin, throughout all of the debacles such as Mt. Gox and Silk Road, throughout all of the price crashes, throughout all of the criticism of the "coin that you cant touch" having no intrinsic value such as with Gold or Silver, Bitcoin has proven one fundamental thing that has defeated every criticism thrown its way. Bitcoin works! Bitcoin and the technology driving bitcoin works and it didnt need a representative to advertise it, it didnt need a face, it didnt need a white paper...etc. All Bitcoin needed was to exist, and it went from a digital currency being used by criminals on the dark web to being accepted by your local Subway sandwich shop.

Move that idea over to Bitconnect, and all of the criticisms that we've heard and will continue to hear will not be solved by knowing who the CEO is, knowing who the CFO is, knowing if Satao Nakamoto is just a "Pseudonym" and just a play on the ever anonymous Satoshi...etc. What will solve everything is if Bitconnect continues to do what it has done everyday...which is work. If Bitconnect's road map continues to be implemented and the website continuously upgraded, sooner or later it will no longer be about the questions we hear today, though many of them very valid, but whether the service and platform continue to work tomorrow and beyond. And like what we seen with people no longer caring about who the creator of Bitcoin is, at the end of the day it will be about weather the service works!

Written by Jeti Knight.

This is not advise or promotion of any kind. I am vested in BCC and other crypto-coins. My only intent was to engage a fellow Steemian, tell him that I highly respected his work, and to write a response given that his work inspired me to do so.

I do not accept Bitconnect referrals at this time given that my current intent is to record my bitconnect journey and to document if im able to establish profit solely by using Bitconnect's lending platform. If you would like to follow my journey you can do so by visiting the link below, and clicking on "My Bitconnect Journey" playlist. I update the playlist daily and will continue to make these videos until I receive my capital release of my original loan.

Thank you for your time and thanks again to @Streetstyle for creating two awesome articles on a subject that im very interested in.

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