Manuel holding the BitGate presentation at Oslo Blockchain Day
For the second time, Jon Ramvi hosted the annual Oslo Blockchain Day. Featuring main speaker Andreas Antonopoulos, the event comprised talks, panels, stands and workshops. As one of the sponsors of the conference, BitGate was represented with a presentation by CEO Manuel Lains, who also participated in the panel debate on ICOs. BitGate was also represented with also a stand throughout the day.
Christian, Ivar and Manuel by our BitGate stand
Manuel Presenting the Cryptoeconomy
Panel discussion on the future of blockchain with Andreas Antonopoulos, Paul Puey, Olga Kravchenko, Thomas Bjelkeman, Craig Hajduk, Vinay Gupta and Fabian Vogelsteller
Manuel in a panel debate with Paul Puey, Daniel Zakrisson, William Rode, and Dominik Zynis on Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).
We made a brand new BitGate flyer for the event
Our pitching expert Ivar informing people on the BitGate project.
The lounge
Andreas Antonopolous was the keynote speaker