About Upcoming BitShares (BTS) Protocol Upgrade on 8th December

The protocol upgrade (hard fork) will occur on 2017-12-08 15:40:00 UTC.

All nodes should upgrade to 2.0.171105a if agree with the protocol upgrade.

After the scheduled hard fork time, for the smart coins (e.g. GOLD, SILVER) / market pegged assets (e.g. BTWTY, GRIDCOIN), before enough witnesses / feed producers started to publish price feeds, the asset holders can settle their assets (to get the collateral in global settlement fund) INSTANTLY at the original "black swan price".

When enough witnesses / price feed producers have provided new price feeds after the time, a revive process will start. If the new feed price is great than 175% of the black swan price, the asset will be revived instantly.

Otherwise, collateral holders can bid the settlement fund by providing more collateral to get a cut of the debt (via cli_wallet). The bids will be processed hourly, when reached more than 175% of collateral ratio for all debt, the asset will be revived.

More info about the mechanism is described in https://github.com/bitshares/bsips/blob/master/bsip-0018.md

Release page: https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-core/releases/tag/2.0.171105a

Related discussion and how to bid (Chinese): https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,25417.0.html

12月8日BSIP 18生效后,黑天鹅复活相关规则和操作说明,见论坛贴 https://bitsharestalk.org/index.php/topic,25417.0.html

新版节点下载地址: https://github.com/bitshares/bitshares-core/releases/tag/2.0.171105a

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