Verbaltech2 - BitShares Witness Report - Monthly Update


Just returned from the Nexus Conference which was fantastic. Not all that impressed with the Nexus coin in general, but the team is solid. They have much to learn and much to build to come close to where BitShares has been for years now. One thing Nexus is ahead of BitShares though (and most other crypto projects as well), is their attitude towards the quantum computing threat, and their plans for decentralization into space and away from the Internet as the prime transport method for transactions. I encourage anyone interested to watch the videos of the conference sessions which were all recorded and available now online line. Here is the market summary since last month: (all prices via CMC): BTC=$4301.27, BTS=$0.084, STEEM=$1.52, PPY=$3.49.

This month I upgraded 2 servers to 64GB or RAM in preparation for offering a load balanced public API service I hope to announce soon. I also started to improve my skills at python programming by writing a scheduler to manage 365x24x7 audio content obtained from the Internet. That small program has served well as a learning exercise for python. I even integrated text to speech into the program. As I mentioned last month, I will next turn my python education towards pybitshares by @xeroc, with an aim to implement automatic failover protection. That will be a good case to test on the testnet.

The testnet server is humming along, running on the BitShares testnet as well as providing a Peerplays testnet node. I am also running 2 separate instances of bts_tools on that server and have seen no problems. Speaking of the BTS testnet, my focus now will be on testing Peter Conrad's changes that implement BSIP 18, to revive assests affected by a black swan event. Peter believes that providing test cases and other guidance will bias testing and it is better to leave testing entirely up to the witnesses. I understand that perspective and do see the wisdom in it. Peter coded the changes and so at a minimum could be viewed as a conflict of interest if he influenced testing. However it imposes a significant effort on the witnesses to understand not only the code but more importantly the economics and market model for BitAssets at a detailed level, if testing is to be thorough.

That's about all I have to report this month, so here are the graphs of all the nodes in operation for BitShares:









And the testnet server for BTS:


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