Verbaltech2 - BitShares Witness Report - Monthly Update


Last month I committed to provide monthly updates for the BitShares witness Verbaltech2. The weekend prior to that was a wild spike in the price of BTS, and since then BTS has skyrocketed as has Bitcoin, reaching over $1400 per BitCoin.

Status of Upgrades
Although I just finished upgrading all of my nodes last month I decided it was time to move operations to dedicated servers. The witness node is now running on a dedicated 32GB RAM server located in Romania. I also put another dedicated server in Singapore which went online to replace the 16GB VPS node that was running there.

I switched the witness to that node on 5/2/2017 to test how well it performs gathering feeds. It may be able to obtain CNY feeds more reliably due to it being located in Singapore, closer to other witnesses in the east, but we'll see if worldly location is a factor or not.

I am currently running 4 seed nodes and 1 witness node. I will use one of the seed nodes for the testnet if necessary, but will probably acquire another dedicated server for the testnet.

After RoelandP's witness info logging tool went online it showed there were several witnesses whose CNY feed was more than 5% inaccurate. Wackou updated his feed code to improve the issue, which appears to be related to the unreliability of feed sources. Nodes in China appear to have less problems obtaining feeds more reliably, perhaps due to the great Firewall of China. I can tell you that it's more difficult to provide an accurate CNY price feed compared with other currencies.

To address the issue I have also upgraded all of my nodes to bts_tools version 0.4.11 and I expect they will need to be updated again soon depending o what wackou discovers. With the increase in RAM these full nodes use, I need to look into the graph scaling as they don't reflect the upper ceiling of available RAM.

Find graphs of connections and memory usage below. Following that is a select listing from RoelandP's witness report for Verbaltech2.

Australia 8GB VPS

Romania 32GB Dedicated

Germany 8GB VPS

Singapore 16GB Dedicated

France 16GB VPS

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is greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time and attention

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