Funkit's bitshares tricks: Sprucing up the charts

One of the weak points in the Bitshares light app is the charts. But they can get better. This trick is best suited for larger monitors and high resolution. If you use a laptop, you might be best off with the standard setting.

Note the purple circle:

Screenshot 2017-07-21 09.41.43.jpg

Press the settings icon:

Screenshot 2017-07-21 09.42.19.jpg

Replace the nuber with a higher one. I go for 700 pix:

Screenshot 2017-07-21 09.42.43.jpg

Enjoy a more useable graph:

Screenshot 2017-07-21 09.42.59.jpg

This is one of many small tricks that makes it more enjoyable to use the software.

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3 columns
2 columns
1 column