Introducing Giselle Koy to Steemit

Hello Steemers!


I am an author, producer, conscious spokesperson and Founder of the which happens in March annually in Austin, Texas. Our mission is to create a tipping point in the media, changing it from toxic to regenerative.

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Our audience consists of the creators of content in every platform: those who create courses, on-line universities, film, social media, podcasts, radio shows, youtubes, articles, comedy, marketing, books, etc.

Naturally , I am very excited to become a part of a community that not only honors content creators, but also rewards them!

At the Conscious Media Festival, we align with other industries that are helping to create a New Earth. Certainly cryptocurrency and blockchain are part of this new reset. We use our voice to introduce and promote those who are helping to build a New Earth in the areas of the New Economy, New Health Models and New Talent in content creation.

We just produced an educational series of interviews which we will be launching soon. The first interview is with Stan Larimer, Godfather of Bitshares and President of Cryptonomex.


I look forward to getting to know this community and sharing my discoveries along the way!


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