The Interesting Tokens to Trade on BitsharesDEX

If you are not aware Steemits older brother are Bitshares and they have exchange built on top of them allowing to trade coins (and FIAT!) without ever passing your keys to third party.

Its called a decentralized exchange - and it probably is the future of cryptocurrency.

Currently the most known BitsharesDEX is OpenLedger so in the screenshots i will stick to that.

While the exchange is anonymous and easy to use i wont speak about usage (i even think ive done some tutorial on it before) i will just show interesting opportunities to trade.

List is alphabetic.


BlockPay gives you access to the profit streams of all products developed by @bitshares-munich. They are working to be one of the first companies that legally can pay direct dividend to all token holders


Since today there is added MPA of GOLOS into the exchange which takes prices from Bittrex. Now by buying or selling this asset you are longing or shorting the coin itself. You can trade it vs BTS or OPEN.BTC (which is BTC withdrawable by @blocktrades).


ICOO is a token made by @bloggersclub which pays dividents based on new ICO coins added to the exchange. Speaking shortly if they add new ICO coins and they make good profits all shareholders wil lget dividents in BTC from holding the token. And you can trade it too.


By the screen from CoinmarketCap so you can see the huge price potential. When they were preparing snapshot for sharedrop on Bitshares network the BTS token itself had a nice pump. Totally worth watching and accumulating this token while awaiting launch of live network, currently only the testnetwork is up where you can play some games. Made by @peerplays

And this is just the top of iceberg there are many more tokens with good prices and entry points vs other exchanges.

If you are creator of any token - write in the comments about it.


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