One of My Successful Trading Strategies: The STEEM : BTS market


This isn't my main trading strategy, but it is one that has worked very well for me.

I really like STEEM, because Steemit is where I learned the most about crypto, and I really like BTS as the Bitshares DEX is where I do all my trading.

Trade back and forth between two coins for small gains


Because I like both of these coins, there's very low risk in this trade. If either one spikes in value or drops against the other, I still win because I'm always holding a coin I want (because I want both of them).

Here's How I do it

On the Bitshares DEX (I usually use the OpenLedger gateway), I use Bitshares to place an order to buy STEEM. I am usually a "Market Maker" in that I place a buy order instead of taking someone else's sell order. If someone takes my buy order, then I get STEEM. I then place a sell order with that STEEM, pricing it so that I would get more Bitshares back than what I bought it for.

For example, I may buy 10 Bitshares worth of STEEM, then place a sell order on that STEEM for 11 Bitshares. If someone takes my sell order, I just made 1 Bitshare or 10%. That's a simplistic example and my actually numbers are usually different, but it works.

If for some reason, the price of Bitshares really rises against STEEM and I can't sell my STEEM back for more Bitshares than I bought it for... I can always transfer it to Steemit and Power Up. It's a Win-Win trading situation. I gain even if I lose the trade.

Feel free to use this strategy

I'd like to help more people get into trading on the Bitshares DEX. I think the most valuable information I've learned here on Steemit was finding out about Bitshares.

Feel free to comment below if you have questions and I'll do my best to answer them.

Helping People Gain Blockchain Freedom!

-- @matthewdavid

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