WANGCHANGE is now an Earnable "Fan" Token...

It's also now available on openledger to trade at a cheaper price...
How much cheaper, you ask?Try 34.78260869565217391304347826087% CHEAPER
WANGCHANGE is now tradeable for the equivalent of $150 USD with any token on Openledger.For Only $150 per token...
You can become a valued supporter and share holder in the success of my Steemit blog, @MrWang. You will receive a weekly or bi-weekly payout from the total reward earned on each of my post. The amount of payouts depends on the success of my post and the quality of content. As you may already know.. I produce a crap ton of original content weekly and am actively looking to collaborate with other steemians to stay consistent and fresh with new material. In a nutshell.. I will happily hold my end of the deal.. it's up to you, the token holder to upvote, resteem and spread the gospel of @MrWang to the masses... and promote steemit to the outsiders missing out on this great platform.
"Wait.. didn't you say it was EARNABLE?"
If you read this far already.. your already showing the absolute best way to EARN WANCHANGE tokens...
You can earn WANGCENTS by actually reading or watching the entire post. WANGCHANGE is about inspiring change and promoting projects and this is where the fun begins.. I will be including hidden gems/easter eggs in both my written and video post. These "eggs" can range from a simple comment on a certain post up to certain task/request to be completed and verified to earn "WANGCENTS" which are 1/100th of a WANGCHANGE token. These "WANGCents" games will also be available for, YOU to purchase and include in YOUR OWN post. This promotes engagement and actually have people reading your content with legit views.
But Wait There's More...
No there isn't.. it's about as simple as it gets... earn 100 WANGCENTS to own a WANGCHANGE token and a share of my success on this platform. More information and details about WANGCENTS and how to earn it will be released very soon. Be sure to follow my blog, @virtualgrowth and @xtrodinarypilot for any and all THANGS, WANGCHANGE

To find out more about WANGCHANGE and Openledger, Check out the link below and find out how you can get in on the filmmaking, trading and "Hidden Gem" action. You can also reach out to me or @virtualgrowth on discord by our same user names @mrwang and @virtualgrowth on discord.
WANGCHANGE on Cryptofresh
Till Next Time... Adios Amigos
We Need You To Come To Discord And Voice Your Opinions

PS... For the absolute best experience.. download the app for your desktop or mobile

retweet & resteem this post and comment with a link to the tweet and your BTS name for .01 WANGCENTS on OL. Must be active in the past week with recent post.. not just resteems..