Bitshares — New website update (Part 8)

Hello Everyone!

Here is part 8 for the new Bitshares website. Thanks for your valued suggestions. Those of you who are good copywriting skills, please keep sending your thoughts and suggestions. We need help in this area.

Bitshares Website

Here are the latest changes and improvements:

  1. We have redone the menu system, it now covers the whole screen when you click on the hamburger icon.
  2. We have added a tab in the menu to show live BTS price, market cap, and 24hr volume.
  3. We have improved the look and wording of the home page header.

Here's what we will be working on in the next few days:

  1. we will continue to improve the boxes on the home page (wording, look, and feel.)
  2. We will keep improving the wording of the rest of the page according to your good suggestions. Please keep sending your thoughts.
  3. We are also working on a language drop down button.

  4. Again, thanks for your support and your constructive criticism. Don't forget to follow me so that you can be notified when new changes are submitted.


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    If you like what we are doing don’t forget to UPVOTE, COMMENT and RESTEEM.
    It would be greatly appreciated. :-)

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