Elvis has not left the building.

Stan Larimer hints at what he's been doing at Cryptonomex this year.

With all the excitement about Steemit, some have speculated that Cryptonomex is no longer paying much attention to BitShares. That would be an incorrect assumption.

I'm still 100% focused on growing the BitShares ecosystem.
Generally the people I work with want to make their own announcements and I'm happy to let them do just that.

Many of the 3rd party projects you hear about grew out of such behind-the-scenes groundwork.
About 90% have suffered the typical rates of startup infant mortality, so I don't talk about any of them before they exit the proverbial birth canal any more. But many are getting along quite nicely in utero. Of the survivors, some have been around so long you may not even think of them as seedlings at this point.

Recently, I've been working mostly on engineering three CNX spinoffs.

Steemit is already fully spun off and I am now just an ordinary user. Steemit does demand over 80% of Bytemaster's "normal" work week, but I still have access to the other 20% of his normal hours for strategic application to the other two. So it would not be correct to say that "Elvis has left the building" or even that we have a net loss of developers in the community. We are actually doing a little selective recruiting.

Some of the most active business developers I've been working with include: Fabian, Michael, Paul, Ronald, Annamieke, Jonathan, Ton, and Pam. And that doesn't include the long list of customers and entrepreneurs I interact with on a weekly basis.

These three spinoffs will all grow the ecosystem in ways that draw traffic and technology to BitShares.
You'll hear more about the other two, um, "this summer".

Stan Larimer, President
Cryptonomex, Inc.

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