The Origin of BitShares Rides Again

The history of Steemit is intertwined with the history (and future) of BitShares. My original The Origin of BitShares series ended poetically with our developers riding off into the sunset in search of Satoshi Nakamoto.

BitShares developers ride off into the Steemit sunrise

...or was that the Steemit Sunrise?

If you are new to BitShares (or have been away for a while) and have questions about where it came from and where it's going, then this new series is for you! The original series covered the first 18 months of our history ending in February 2015. Now another 18 months have passed and it's time to extend the series, especially for all the new Steemians who are just discovering it.

We have to hurry before the next 18 months dawns ...this summer.

Here's a quick recap of our first 18 months.

Part 1 - It Began with ProtoShares
Part 2 - The Death of Mining
Part 3 - The Ideal Mining Pool
Part 4 - AngelShares and Virtual Mining
Part 5 - POW to POS to TaPOS to DPOS!
Part 6 - Sharedrops and Snapshots
Part 7 - BitShares Sharedrop Theory
Part 8 - Experimenting and Pivoting
Part 9 - What is a SuperDAC?
Part 10 - BitShares Unleashed

In my next post, the glorious history of our second 18 months will continue with...

Part 11 - "It is very cold in space"

About the Author -- Stan Larimer

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The Origin of BitShares
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"I've enjoyed 40 years developing unmanned air, ground, sea, and space systems.
These days, I build unmanned companies."

Stan Larimer

"BitShares and Steemit are great, but they are not exactly rocket science."

#bitshares #cryptonomex #steemit #bytemaster #smartcoins #philosophy #bitassets #steem #ethereum #bitcoin #financial #investment #currency @stan

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