Which Of These Excuses Do You Give For Not Growing Your Blog ?


So you are sitting there staring at a video on Youtube, but a voice inside you is telling you you need to spend time on your blog.

Well you have been thinking about it for a while now. Thinking and planning but not actually doing anything about it.

A whole bunch of things is holding you back, time, ideas, money.

So you are ambling about waiting for the perfect time, an inflow of great ideas, guaranteed upvotes... and so on.

Well let me crash your train of thought, those perfect circumstances will never come, you will always have to face the problems listed above in various combinations.

And when you realize that everyone faces those situations, you will realize that they are just excuses.

I have interacted with some people on steemit and even those I have been trying to convince to join steemit and they varying excuses.

So let me crush them one by one.


I Have Nothing New To Blog About.

You have probably heard of this saying "there is nothing new under the Sun". And it leaves you feeling that there is nothing you can add to the online converation.

But you have to know it is not about what you say, but how you say it.

This is not the first blog post on Earth talking about excuses bloggers give, but I am writing this from my own unique perspective, something no one else on Earth can do.

The truth is that there is no original idea left, everything goes in cycles, but you have your own unique personality and it is just like your fingerprints, no one else has it.


My Niche Is Overcrowded

So you want to blog about food and you click on the food tag and discover that there are already many talented food bloggers.

Why would anyone want to hear from you?

Well viewing this from another perspective, lots of blogs are available in your food niche because people are hungry for information about food(pun intended).

And they are hungry for new and better information and any old information they knew nothing about.

Even in the food category there are a lot of niches, you can decide to blog about only desserts or main dishes.

Lots of competition should never be your excuse for not blogging.


I Don't Have Time

To me this is the dumbest excuse, i agree that there may be time where you can be absolutely tied up with a project but lack of time should not be a constant excuse.

To be frank, we are all busy, even successful bloggers are.

So how do you find time

You may have to carry your smart phone or a tablet or even a notepad everywhere (and I mean everywhere), take advantage of those random 20 minutes spare time and jot something down.

When you are in the waiting room to see that lecturer or in the car waiting for your child to get out of school.

The only way to achieve this is if you are deliberate about it, if you are waiting for when you have time, it will never come.


What if No one Likes Me Or My Blog

To be honest this is one of the biggest excuse I had to conquer in order to start my steemit journey.

I didn't want to fail,but I knew I would be heading in that same direction if i sat and did nothing.

The only way to know for sure is to start, if you try blogging there is a chance of succeeding and also that of failing.

If you don't try, there is a 100% chance of failure.


I Don't Know What To Blog About

This is another big excuse people give, I faced that early in my steemit days, so I started with writing short stories, then overtime I started The Rainmakers interview series which is still ongoing, I have interviewed steemians like @papa-pepper and @good-karma.

I also started this blockchain blogger series as a way of encouraging steemians who may be having one problems or another.

One Steemian who I know have eliminated this excuse smartly is @ghulammujtaba, he shares extraordinary stories of ordinary people on his blog and he does it well.

You can do interviews or case studies and a whole bunch of other things, and don't worry if your early posts are terrible, they will still be lost in thesands of time.

The best way to learn is from experience.

It is time to dump those excuses and burn them, if these excuses are holding you back, keep in mind that everyone faces them.

Don't lie in your bed and conclude.

Just Write

Thank You For Reading

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