Why Blockchain conferences are boring - the case of Txiwxn

I’ve been to some conferences wholly or partly under the theme of blockchain for the past year in Taiwan. It’s quite natural for me to attend these as I am totally a fan of blockchain and the future it envisages. However, I regret to say that I seldom learn anything insightful from these occasions.

Why? Are these conferences not good enough? Are those distinguished guests not distinguished enough? Or is it because I have become such a blockchain expert so there is so few out there that can teach me anything new and I am not aware of this situation?

As much as I would really like to be regarded as a blockchain expert, I am not. So why? what went wrong? That, I think, is a really meaningful issue to think about.

After I gave it some thoughts, there might be a few reasons for that. I think. So I write this post to share with you and maybe many feel the same as I am sure that many of you have also attended countless conferences and maybe some of you share the same experience with me.

First, blockchain is still too new for this world. Despite that many of you may have already known blockchain and its applications to a sufficient level, it is no doubt that this term is getting hotter and hotter around the globe day by day. In addition, this technology is not something that can immediately bring instant changes into our lives, but most of the time it just enables us to dream, to plan, to build your own idea based on such technology and the realization of those ideas depends on systematical change which again needs time to mature. So being new and being yet to be proven in some sense and being so massively potentially powerful, everyone can have their version of blockchain dreams, but with all due respect they are just dreams. What is the last time you listen carefully to someone other than your friends talking about their dreams?

Secondly, we have dreamers but at the same time we have lots of geeks. It’s quite anticipated that geeks’ talks are boring (unless the audience is full of geeks), but what the heck do the organizers put them up on stage to talk to us non-geeks? Well, yeah, it’s a new tech so even the organizers cannot really properly match their speakers and the audience, or even worse, there is just no experts in this field except this weird bloke. As long as he has a mouth, let’s put him up to talk!

So, from these two perspectives, my conclusion is that we need more thinking of blockchain + domain knowledge in the future as this technology matures more along the way. With this thinking, we can match the speakers and the audience more accurately and we will have less dissatisfied attendees. We will then have less and less so called blockchain experts but more and more XXX-domain experts who knows how to use blockchain to leverage. After all, do you know any Internet experts nowadays?

I was actually writing this article amongst a conference in Taipei focusing on blockchain. See how bored I was? ^^








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