Meet Crowd Machine: blockchain has just arrived to the cloud computing industry!


We live in a world that is ruled by technology, its everywhere around us, and it makes our lives much easier by us accomplish quite complicated things efficiently, allowing everyone to increase their productivity and therefore, the quality of their life.

Nevertheless, as technology becomes much more capable, its complexities also increase, reaching a point in which it becomes something too difficult to understand for the majority of the users, so the symbiosis between technology and the people may become a little bit intimidating for some, simply because getting involved and taking the time to actually understand technology might be too much of a hassle. The result of this, is more and more people that use technology but don’t really understand how it all works, and much less get involved in the development of said technology.

I bet we can all imagine a world in which every person is able to participate in the development of digital tools, without the need to feel intimidated by its complexities, and must importantly, without having to put years and years of work to finally be able to show the projects that are being done.

Enter Crowd Machine

Crowd Machine is a new platform which goal is to decentralize the entire process of app developing, executing and sharing. It allows any person to participate with ease in every step of the process, and offers rewards for every amount of work that is being done by its users.

The first step is of course, developing the app.

With Crowd App Studio, there is no need to learn how to code in order to make decentralized apps that anyone can use. It is a genius move because it allows literally anyone to participate in the development of any decentralized applications, which would mean an explosion in the amount of tools that is being developed worldwide. There are tons of people in every country that would love to materialize their ideas but are unable to do so simply because they don’t know how to code. This problem will be fixed for people that uses Crowd Machine platform, they will be able to turn their ideas into reality for the first time!

This is a graphical comparison about how is the developing phase accomplished using Crowd Machine vs the traditional model

This also gives the possibility for young people, even kids in school to start their adventure in the developing world, increasing this way the skills of the next generation of developers by allowing them to experiment, share their work and gain experience from a very early age. This way, Crowd Machine can really be an active part in a global revolution towards having complete digital lives, while also helping to decentralize the platforms we use in our daily activities.

The same can be say about old people, since they will have the opportunity to exercise their brain by developing their ideas using the graphic interface provided in the Crowd App Studio, which would surely be a way to help them remain active and healthy by participating in the development of any application they can think of, who knows what marvels can come out of the mind of a 70 years old person!

The second step is executing the app.

Using the Crowd Computer network any individual in any country, can share the resources available in his/her computer so they can be used in the execution of the decentralized apps that are already developed. This way, any person that have powerful computers but rarely use said processing power, can now monetize it by leveraging blockchain technology, this is possible because the Crowd Computer rewards its users in the form of Crowd Machine Compute Tokens (CMCTs) for the amount of computer resources they share.

One of the advantages of this decentralized approach is that it makes it much harder to be attacked by hackers because the different computers could be in any place in the world, making it much more difficult to hack the network, besides, since any individual can participate by simply sharing the computer power available in any personal computer in any home, there wouldn’t be issues when it comes to scaling the capacity of the network. There is actually no limit when it comes to the size and the power the Crowd Computer can achieve.

This can forever change the cloud computing industry, simply because people will always prefer a system that is transparent about how the information is handled, is almost impossible to hack and is open to any user that wants to participate, and the only way to accomplish this is by leveraging blockchain technology with the final goal of decentralizing the way the computer resources are being used, that is just what the Crowd Computer is offering.

The last step is sharing the app with the community.

This time, the team made another genius move. By developing an app using the Crowd App Studio, the developer can change between using one blockchain or another, allowing them to better adapt to the requirements of their users.

Not only that, with Crowd Share any developing work that is being done, can be shared and every time that same code is executed the developer is rewarded automatically! This is also helpful for new developers because they can use already finished code to polish even more their own creations, creating a positive dynamic where everyone wins! : the first developer is rewarded for the use of his/her code, the second developer is benefited by having access to already finished code that can improve his/her work, the whole community sees benefit in the amount of tools that are being developed at an accelerating rate. Its a system designed to benefit every participant.

Without using Crowd Machine
Using Crowd Machine

All of this is a complete paradigm shift because traditionally, people will need to invest large amounts of money and time to be able to develop their projects from beginning to end, now a lot of the process is speeded up thanks to Crowd App Studio and the possibility of using already finished code thanks to Crowd Share will make further make everything easier.

Besides, by being able to work with any other blockchain there is no limit in which type of interactions the decentralized applications are able to make, allowing for every type of project to be developed using this platform, this could eventually make Crowd Machine the most important network when it comes to developing this type of apps because there is simply no limit in what developers can accomplish!

  • If you wanna know more about this project, I invite you to visit their website.

  • If you wanna know more about how this blockchain project works, please feel free to check their whitepaper.

  • For some informative videos, please visit their youtube page.

And if you want to ask me any question about this project, feel free to leave a comment below.

This is my entry for the contest created by @originalworks that can be found here


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