Blockchain = no more boss, 区块链=没老板

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Hello Steemit friends, I just read the article by John Mcafee see it here

So he talk about how in 5 years, every company will get into blockchain and cryptocurrency will replace fiat and there will be no more bank. Facebook and Twitter will disappear because everyone will get into the new blockchain facebook and new blockchain twitter. There will be no boss because nobody work for anybody.

So how does this work? If you look at Steemit, Steemit is blockchain and everyone work for themselves, there are no boss ask you to write this write that and pay you salary, you just write whatever you want and you get paid as long as someone upvote you. This will slowly spread to everything you do in your usual days and you will be paid with coin for whatever you do such as browsing the internet, check your whatsapps, check your instagram, check your facebook, walking and more.

I think that everyone still have to work but with blockchain they are serving other people directly and don’t have to go through a middle man such as “boss” and their service are paid directly from others via cryptocurrency. Bank will slowly run out of business because less and less people are using it and government might need to charge its citizen with cryptocurrency for the service they provide or it will be hard for them to gather tax. Universal basic income might be an option to pay every citizen some cryptocurrency weekly so that they can survive without a job. What do you think?

thanks for reading




大家都还需要工作不过是直接服务其他人获取收入,而不需要经过"老板"来付你薪水,直接从其他人那里获取数字货币。银行也会慢慢越来越少人用而消失,政府也很难收到税所以需要从他们的服务中收取数字货币。Universal basic income也应该会出现来给每一人一些数字货币来花避免饿死,你觉得呢?


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