Why am I excited about STEEM and ICONOMI?

The economy thrives on our imagination and we have always been trying to play out our fantasies in a realm beyond calories. Whether it be anarcho-capitalism, socialism, futurism, or whateverisms - social causes are great pillars of influence, and they certainly attract plenty of resources.

Consider this little piece here to be my coming out of the closet. I've written posts about blockchains, ending criminalization, the future of work, silly memes and stuff like that, but I've never once really wrote about one of my greatest interests. It's actually figuring out ways for humanity to go beyond the cycle of politics, poverty, and war.

Believe it or not, I'm quite convinced that Steem / Steemit is a big part of the solution! So I have been spending quite a lot of time exploring the topic through writing. They are certainly not easy topics to write about! In a plan to post the articles out over the course of 2017, I hope they will add to the discussion.

So alright, what does this have to do with ICONOMI? Take a look at their website: https://iconomi.net/

Just like Steemit, I'm also planning to build a profile over in ICONOMI and use it as a place to curate a set of cryptocurrencies that have the potential to improve the current state of politics, poverty, and war. Social causes are one of the greatest influences for capital flow, and there's really no better time in history to be able to rally up worldwide support with such convenience. With that, I think STEEM, or any other relevant blockchains will flourish once they become part of any epic movement. There are some things that are just way beyond money.

Personally, I think ICONOMI and Steemit goes well hand-in-hand together for those looking to carve out something for themselves in cryptospace. What I like about the combo is that it improves skin-in-the-game reputation and integrity. Firstly, we have a blog that reflects one's thoughts and opinions. Secondly, an investment portfolio that backs the integrity of one's blog. And lastly, a collaborative community that keeps each other in check.

Also, STEEM is actually part of ICONOMI's portfolio of digital assets so that's quite a win.

Before ending this, I wish to inform that I'm currently trying to have a discussion with the folks over in The Venus Project, and there's a chance that I'll be the one managing their account here if they do not have enough human resources. Whether or not if you agree with the project's vision, I think the spin-off discussions and solutions will prove to be valuable.

You may start following the account first: @thevenusproject

If you're familiar with The Venus Project, you must be wondering why I'm suggesting a cryptocurrency-based, community-voting social platform for a project that has set its sights in putting an end to the concept of money and politics? Hopefully I will be able to give a satisfying answer in one of my next posts.

Anyway, I'm excited for 2017!

What are your plans?

If forward-thinking stuff with a dash of everyday slice-of-life is your cup of tea, follow me @kevinwong

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