The Promise of the Blockchain by Vinay Gupta

I watched this recently and thought it was amazing. It's partly a history of technology for the last 50 or so years and partly a description of how we navigate the rapid change we're quickly going to face in the future.

I love his explanation of Cypherpunk culture and the massive role it has played in shaping our society. I also think he makes a great point about developers and the autism spectrum. Some of the advice he gives for understanding the future?

"Start reading Cyber Punk."

9 months ago, I suggested you need more cyber in your life. Vinay Gupta gives a much more compelling case here.

The closing statment was so profound, so amazing to me, I had to pause the video and replay it a few times so I could copy it down:

"If you share the myths that the technical class have when they create these things, you can begin to understand the technology in a mythic way, which is how we understand it. You have to learn the ways of our people because you are living in the world we create for you."

You may think "living in the world we create for you" is a bit of an overstatement. If so, please watch the entire talk. I think it's a frighteningly accurate description of our modern technological society.

I've reached out to @leashless on Twitter who I think is here on Steemit as @hexayurt. As mentioned here, I will send all liquid rewards of this post to his account.

I hope you enjoy his talk as much as I did.

Luke Stokes is a father, husband, business owner, programmer, voluntaryist, and blockchain enthusiast. He wants to help create a world we all want to live in.

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