Blockchain's Wall of Death, Who Will Make It Out Alive? [Apart from Steemit that Is!]

The real Web 2.0

Blockchain is being seen as the technology that will change everything. I see it as the real Internet 2.0.

But we must be aware than probably 80% of the blockchain startups will probably not be here by the time blockchain truly goes mainstream.

That is always the case with new technology. All must traverse the wall of death to embrace the technology, but all must wait for that mainstream adoption which takes time. In the meantime most of these startups go bust as they run out of cash flow during the wait.


The internet bubble reloaded

The exact same thing happened in the 2000s when the internet started to go mainstream and took off. Every man and his dog was an internet startup, and for every one that succeeded a hundred had failed!

This wall of death will again claim victims from the fact that the hyperledger and Ethereum have already staked their claim to smart contracts on the blockchain, and it's going to be very difficult to displace them.

So who exactly will survive all this? Well my money is on Ethereum and Steemit. Both have their own cryptocurrency as well as great crypto-platforms that are unique in their own certain way.

Ethereum is for the corporates and Steemit is for the creative masses. Both have a bright future in my eyes. They are indeed the AOL email of their time. Does anyone remember that from the 2000s? Comments below if you do remember that?


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