Lets Get Crafty! Connecting Services with Needs through Blockchain Technology!

Have you ever pulled your hair out trying to find a trust-able service to meet your needs? Whether that is a video editor, painter, cleaner, artist or plumber? Have you surfed the internet and opened way too many tabs to try to compare prices, or ended up paying way too much because their just wasn't time?

I bet you have, because basically everyone has needs or problems that they can't solve themselves and therefore they rely on hiring a trusted professional to get the job done. Sadly, its become more convoluted to find trust-able services through the internet, and word of mouth just isn't always practical.

Or, on the flip side, have you ever spent countless hours trying to market your skills and services? Through facebook adds, trying to get yourself onto google maps or by spreading the word through friends? Have you had trouble finding the right customers or negotiating prices? The advertising business is tough, and the little guy often cannot compete with big corporations who have entire advertising teams and mounds of money. This often means less business for you!

If these struggles are entirely relatable to you, you are not alone, and a solution to your worries and struggles is well on its way! 

Introducing Crafty; A website, cryptocoin and platform designed to help YOU efficiently find services and professionals to meet your needs, or to find costumers that need your services. The best part? Its all free and based on transparent blockchain technology! 

The idea was born in Brazil (2015) and tested with the MPV Dairissima that specifically connected cleaners to those who needed cleaning. Crafty will include many professions, but the test run was done with a more limited scope. The team of developers have grown from the previous experience and developed the new and improved, worldwide and inclusive platform known as Crafty. 

Crafty is going to change how goods and services are exchanged. Crafty is spreading the blockchain revolution into mundane life, decentralizing the basic exchange of services and empowering the self employed!

Check out their video for the details:

The genius behind this platform is directly related to its transparency and simplicity. It is also based upon trust between professional and customer, something very valuable that is becoming scarce in the modern day. 

The basis of this platform is trust and reliability, and on Crafty you are assured of a persons reliability through their all important reputation. We all want to be able to trust those whose services we are buying, and when we provide services we want to be seen trustable. We all want it to be simple too; less advertising, less middle men, and more reliability. Through ingenious methods that is what Crafty is doing, it is providing us with a user friendly interface to fulfill our needs in a reliable way!

Crafty cuts out the middle-men and therefore reduce inefficiency, because they do not charge for their service of connecting professional with consumer. This quote from their Whitepaper shows their attitude towards waste and inefficiency:

 "We are unhappy with the amount of financial, physical and human resources wasted daily in virtually all human activities. Crafty has shown that it is possible to reward those who work better, without transferring additional costs for those who hire or purchase. "

This makes things a whole lot simpler and efficient, since there is no convolution going on down the value chain. They want you to be able to access the services you need simply, and simply serve your customers. They also do not advertise on their site unnecessarily and your reputation is what speaks for you, not your advertising bucks. You cannot buy your reputation, you gotta earn it! (Sounds a little like Steemit to me). However they also use an AI system to pair you up with things that you might need, the example given in the @originalworks contest post is that if you hire a painter you might see an add for paint nearby, but it will not take away from the whole reputation thing. Crafty wants to pair you up with what you need in a simple and efficient way.

Also, in this way Crafty creates very reliable information for the users, who can trust the information they find on there, and its all entirely transparent (the beauty of the blockchain!)  

Crafty can revolutionize the way that we buy services, and maybe even goods too. We will be able to be sure of a persons reputation before we use their services, and we will be able to see all transactions transparently on the blockchain. Self-employed individuals will be empowered and connected to their customer base, easier then ever before! 

Personally, I know SO many people who would benefit from this program when its fully fledged. My mom, for one, is a cleaner who struggles with working for other people. She would love to be able to easily find customers in our area who want her services, and since she is a super cleaner and already has loyal customers, her rep would be through the roof! 

My dad @offgridandy is also a super entrepreneur and handyman and is struggling with advertising at the moment. If we had something like Crafty right now I am sure he would be able to find work and others would be able to find a handyman!

I myself would also benefit from Crafty as well, because I love to make art and me and a friend of mine are a mural painting team. I am sure there are people out there in our city who need murals painted, but its like finding a needle in a haystack if you are not advertising or do not know the right people! Even someone who needs garden maintenance done, or children taken care of for the day. There are so many ways that self-employed people like myself would benefit from Crafty and same with those who are searching for the perfect professional for their needs!

The benefits and applications of Crafty are seriously crazy. I hope that it is only a (short) matter of time before it spreads across the world and allows people to connect on a business level, in an easy, simple and efficient way!

If you want to join in on this contest, check out this post by @originalworks! It ends soon though!

If you want to learn more about Crafty, check out their website here!

Thank you for joining me in an exploration of this exciting new venture! I am stoked for the day when I can use blockchain technology to find employment or find a service, and I am sure you are too!

Thank you for visiting! If you enjoyed this post, do not fret, there is more! Check out these links for more posts from @skycae!

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