“The Revolution Will Be Decentralized”

“We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge.”- Master Obi Wan Kenobi

“Billions of excluded people can soon enter the global economy.” - Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex Tapscott

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“We can protect our privacy and monetize our own information. We can ensure that creators are compensated for their intellectual property. Rather than trying to solve the problem of growing social inequality through the redistribution of wealth only, we can start to change the way wealth is distributed - how it is created in the first place, as people everywhere from farmers to musicians can share more fully, a priori, in the wealth they create.” - Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex Tapscott

Soon we all can say, “I am an enfranchised citizen of the global digital economy.”

If you couldn’t tell by now, I am sharing with you information from Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex Tapscott because my copy of it just arrived and I am looking forward to all that they have in store!

I am not going to review it or write about it directly, but it is sure to influence my thinking and stimulate ideas of things to post about.

Mostly I just wanted to share with you, so that you too would be interested in checking it out and joining us in the Blockchain Revolution!

“So rather than predicting a blockchain future, we’re advocating for it. We’re arguing that it should succeed, because it could help us usher in a new era of prosperity. We believe that the economy works best when it works for everyone, and this new platform is an engine of inclusion. It drastically lowers the cost of transmitting such funds as remittances. It significantly lowers the barrier to having a bank account obtaining credit, and investing. And it supports entrepreneurship and participation in gloval trade. It catalyzes distributed capitalism, not just a redistributed capitalism.

Everyone should stop fighting it and take the right steps to get on board. Let’s harness this force not for the immediate benefit of the few but the lasting benefit of the many.” - Blockchain Revolution by Don and Alex Tapscott

What ways am I involved in Blockchain Revolution?

So far the most obvious is here on steemit!

But also I am looking forward to using SALT; check out the video below!

Sign Up for SALT Now!

Other than that, I am on the BitShares Decentralized Exchange in The Billion Hero Challenge! amongst other crypto-investments.

BitShares Title Block
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And I have Giga Watt Tokens and joined the world’s first full-service mining solution provider.


The Only Question I Have Left Is:
How Are You Getting Involved?

Stay tuned.
Stay interesting.
Stay Strange.


Created by Michael Paine

Follow me @strangerarray and donate because SALT is sooo good!

See the latest adventures and creations from my wife Sarah on steemit!

Also Check Out My Latest Post:

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HODL BTC, ETH, XRP, etc.? But Need Cash Now? Get SALT!

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