Teaser post: I made a blockchain from scratch (Proof of Concept)

As the title stated, this is a teaser post about my first blockchain project. I had done a working prototype and the blockchain server is being hosted in 2 different location's server and each the server has 10 ports being open. For proof of concept, this means that I have 20 different servers.

Last night, I manage to finsih up the API server for the blockchain project.

The video show case how the API works.

I managed to create a minimum UI showcasing on how it works.

Screen Shot 2018-04-14 at 11.24.58 AM.png

Ignore the UI, I am not a designer 😂

What this Web page does, is just by sending request to the server, the data are sync across 20 servers. User can get the data and the full blockchain data.

This is the teaser post for my upcoming post where I explain how I apply what I learn from Bitcoin Whitepaper and make into use to make a blockchain from scratch 😁

Yea, you hear me right, I build it from scratch with only SHA256 hashing algorithm.

Stay tune for more!


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