Drug Discovery Platform Verseon Launches Blockchain-Based Securities Exchange

  • US drug development company Verseon will, via its ‘Blockrules’ subsidiary, launch a blockchain platform to support the sale, launch, and trading of regulated tokenised securities on a public blockchain.

  • The move aims to assist other pharma players to overhaul their funding and development strategy, reports Cointelegraph.


  • This looks like an interesting move by Verseon.

  • It illustrates the idea that individual sectors, and even companies within a sector can try to establish a place in the emerging tokenised security market, and raises the question of whether we should expect to see similar niche fundraising platforms in other sectors (telecom, retail, tech, distribution and logistics).

  • It also points to the likelihood of a very fragmented initial stage of the tokenised security marketplace, with some players (tZero, Polymath) trying to establish broad platforms for token security issuance and trading, and now Verseon, with its industry focussed fund raising platform.

  • It also points to a battle between centralised platforms, like tZero’s, where the infrastructure is owned by one player, and the blockchain part is simply used for record keeping, and decentralised platforms, where the rules are governed by smart contracts on a blockchain platform, and voting power related to how many tokens the various players own.

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