The real me - Blocktrades / Writers Block Write Your Own Ticket Giveaway.

I must confess it, I've always been what they could call a "frustrated traveler". I am from Venezuela, and that is a country in which its people can barely travel outside. I have traveled through its beautiful beaches, mountains and even dunes, Venezuela certainly is such an amazing country and I've loved every landscape I have seen so far, but now and then I feel that strong desire of getting further with my dreams and personal aspiration, that necessity of discovering my own world and venture myself through amazing places that I haven’t even seen, and sadly, in Venezuela, I just couldn’t, and now with my current salary in Peru, I just can't manage to do it. And if you haven’t felt that way, and if you haven’t been in my position, then you can’t even imagine how hard this cruel reality feels like. Yes, it feels so bad, but that is how the truth feels like, and I have faced it for months and months of back and forth, but I want to change my reality and then begin to live plenty.

I had even always dreamed to make a trip to one of those beautiful countries of Central Europe such as Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic and of course, Germany and Poland (which will be the hosting country of this year’s Steemfest), but every time I set out myself to save just a little money, the economic crisis just lock me out and then destroy all my illusions. So I’ve always been just a little spectator of such worlds, it’s like being locked in a cage in which all you’ve ever seen is just a tiny little world that does not represent nor even a 1% of the real one that we all should be able to discover, sometimes I just think I’m chained by your own insecurities and limitations, and it might be true, but I don’t want to refuse the world in which I was born, it’s actually very frustrating because all these depressive thoughts might tear my dreams up, and it has certainly harmed my self-esteem. But now I'm 31 and I have three reasons that don't let me fall in the shadows of the depression.

Most of you might not know me for me, the real me (or perhaps you didn't even know my user till this post), and some of you may think this is just too dramatic, but that’s how my life is, and this entry had to be so sincere, so that's what I'd been trying to do all this time. So this is the real me, the real woman who try so hard to look strong and invulnerable, but I can assure you I’m just pretending to be a woman who I’m actually not, but I have to because if I don’t, then I ain’t doing it right, that kind of woman is what society demands, and my children need this part of me that seems to be unbreakable and resilient, and that's what makes me get out my house every single morning and then try my best for them.

I know I'm not the only woman who feels and lives that way... There are many women who feel and live the way I do; society can really be harsh with us women.

And since I have memory, that’s how it’d always been, but this contest really candle lit a smile on my face, I know it’s still being possible a scenario in which I may not be the winner, but at least I want to try my best to make my dreams come true.

Steemit has helped me so much, I don’t even have a full year here, but when I look back in time and then remind how I was before, all I can see is a far different person. I have met so many friends here, I’m really grateful for all the support and guidance they’ve given to me. A year ago, I could’ve not even imagined that I would be writing something as candor as this post. Since I have been here, I’ve become a more self-critical person, it's like the discipline I have developed here had boosted all my self-restraint and self-esteem. Steemit has really impacted my entire life. I know this might sound to you a bit odd, but it's like Steemit has somehow made me a better person and a worse one at the same time, it's such a strange feeling that I just can't even describe in another way. This strange feeling is what keeps me here and what freaks me out at the very same time. But don’t get me wrong, perhaps they're just insecurities that every writer and blogger like me, and every person of this world has faced at least once.

I want to attend the Steemfest because I would take advantage of it, and of course, I would like to take a closer look at the business while having some fun in a beautiful city like Krakow. I know that so many influencer Steemians will attend such an important event, so that would be my opportunity to learn from the best Steemians and perhaps improve my activity in Steemit. There are so many projects that I have in mind and if I have such opportunities, I would not miss the chance to propose all my best ideas such as Alexandria’s Library Project (a curation project that is mainly focused on rewarding outstanding content in matter of Philosophy, Sciences, Literature and History) and some other initiatives that I’ve had in mind since many months ago. My projects are focused on rewarding unnoticed content that’s so worthy in different interest’s topics; my vision is to create a library modeled storage that can congregate worthy information that could really promote the Blockchain in a good and proper way. I fervently believe that STEEM Blockchain has potential; it’s just that all its potential hasn't been completely exploited yet. I know there are many Steemians who’re interested in productive projects and ideas that could improve this platform, and I would surely prepare a proper, and maybe, long speech for them all. I know my voice will be heard someday soon.

Best regards, Dr. Johanna Muñoz.

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