[Video] My Work (14) – Busy Christmas ended! Shared some of my works in Christmas~

The busy Christmas finally passed and I have time on Steemit again! Today just to share something of my busy Christmas~

Christmas is a long holiday to many people but to me, it’s much busier than usual! It should be my 10th working Christmas TvT .Just mentioned in last post, I need to follow 7 performances in 4 days. Most of them are easy but the following is harsh for me.


對於很多人來說,聖誕節是一個長假期,但對我來說,聖誕節比平常日子還要忙,這已經是我第十年在工作中渡過聖誕節了 TvT. 如上一篇文章所說,我在4天要處理7個舞蹈表演,雖然大部份都很容易處理,但以下這一個,我卻很想死。


The performance is a Christmas dance performance with 6 adults and 4 kids dancers. The venue is at Tin Shui Wai, the most north western of HK with almost two hours’ transportation from my home, which is the most south eastern of HK. To some of you 2 hours may be normal but for Hong Kong, it’s the furthest. We had the stage rehearsal at 1100pm when the shopping mall closed. It’s already 4am when I back home and I needed to come back to the mall at 10am in the next day. As breakfast is important to me, I got up at 7am and kept sleeping during the break time.


performance photos 演出照片

The theme of the performance was cotton candy so I ate a lot haha. I wish it would be a good experience for all people. And it’s a shared video of the performance. Not to show off dance technique but to share the fun with all of you. Wish you all Merry Christmas and boxing day! And remember to wake up for work tomorrow haha!
(Don’t ask me how to brainstorm the story of the dance. It’s all by client haha. We are never afraid of any ideas from the client. We are only afraid of client having no idea! You should know what I mean haha)

表演的主題是棉花糖,所以我都在瘋狂的吃棉花糖哈哈!希望這演出對大家會是一個美好的體驗吧!在這裡我分享了舞蹈片段,這支舞不需要賣弄什麼舞蹈技巧,而是分享快樂給大家!(不要問我舞蹈的故事露感如何想出來,客人想的哈哈!我們從不怕客人的任何idea, 我們只怕客人沒有idea!你懂的哈哈)

The happiest thing is I got quite a lot christmas gifts! Wish you all a happy Christmas and Boxing Day! Remember to work tomorrow haha!

今年最開心就是收到不少聖誕禮物!最後祝大家聖誕節快樂及Boxing Day快樂!明天記得起床上班呀!


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Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!

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