Partner Stretches that you should do with your Girl Friend / Boy Friend / Wife / Husband / or anyone ELSE! ;)📷 [video inside]

Hey guys!
I wanted to share with you some different partner stretches that you could do with anyone~!
These are a few stretches that @acrobutterfly like to do together before we work out, especially before we practice acro yoga.

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^This is a great shoulder opener! Press down into each others shoulders. Keep a striaght back and a strong core.
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^Press into your partners hand and and feel the stretch in all parts of your shoulder.

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^Press into both hands of your parnter and feel a nice stretch in the back of your shoulders and the top of your shoulder blades

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^This is a seated stretch. Sit with legs straddled up aginist your partners straddle. Pull slowly from your partners wrist. They will feel a nice stretch in their arms, shoulders, low back.

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^Sit back to back. Lay back on your partners back and help them forward fold.

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^This one is a nice twist. Sit back to back. Both twist in the same direction to grab your partners knee. Pull you partners knee to help stretch into the back twist. Pull with each breath. Be gentle with this stretch.

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^ This is a nice relaxing stretch. Lay back, opposite sides, fall back onto your partners knee. You will feel a nice stretch in your back and they will feel a good stretch on their hips.

Check out the full video below!
Let me know if your have any questions~
Please upvote and restreem. These stretch will make you feel great! :)
Thanks so much everyone!

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