For Goodness Sake!

When I was only 8 years, my English Teacher asked me to stand on the chair in front of the whole class and while pushing my head with her index finger, she said "You are the most idiotic person on earth. I never met anyone more stupid than you!" I just stared at her face without blinking my eyes. I felt so embarassed but I was too little to know how to reply correctly.

This scene of my young life stays in my mind. I have forgotten most names of my teachers but I can never forget my standard two English Teacher Miranda. This incident that had sparked the fighting spirit in me, made me a better English communicating person.

I was born in a very poor family and hence entered my primary school without going first to kindergarten. So, when I started my school back then, I didn't even know ABC. That Teacher Miranda without knowing my background had humiliated me in front of the entire class. I didn't cry, I just stood still staring at her. I was too little to understand anything but was scarred for life. I felt so helpless, so small that time. My small little happy world was smashed to pieces. My classmates teased me more after that. I am the laughing stock in my class. Worst, I didn't have anyone to confide those feelings of humiliations. My low self esteem turned to none. I became an introvert that had always kept to myself. I not only felt regret to have been born poor, even I started hating everyone around me.

But at that time, when I was at the verge of giving up, miracles kept on happening that prevented me from giving up. I didn't know how I suddenly can understand English very well. All of a sudden like my prayers were answered and without any help from anyone, I mastered this language easily.

Who knows that small girl that was badly humiliated can now proudly tells you that she holds a double degree in Mass Communication and Information Management and managing a communications department of a prestigious club in her country.

I am forever thankful that life has been so kind to me till now. There were some guardian angels in the form of kind humans that had helped me along the way till where I stand now.

I just hope and pray that no one should face the same humiliations that I received as a small helpless little girl. And I shall leave you with this quote from Dennis Prager. Good Day everyone!


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