Nature Cannot Be Changed

I keep on repeating this like a mantra whenever I looked at people I knew kept on repeating their same mistakes over and over again 'Nature Cannot Be Changed'. You will think that you are doing a favor by giving some people a second chance but they will repeatedly fail you. For me, I have tried to give chance and forgive so many people throughout my life but then, they again will repeat that same mistakes, like betrayal, disrespectful, theft, bad-mouthing over and over again. So, after years of repeating this same process all over again with the different bunch of people, I concluded that 'Nature Cannot Be Changed'. The only thing to do is break away from that relationship or friendship and move on.

I myself had experienced many things that taught me about trusting people and giving chances. I always 'never judge a book by its cover' of course you need to first get to know each other before trusting anyone. However, you can actually open wide your eyes to really observe someone before starting to trust him/her. Anything that makes your antenna of suspicion up must be handled with great care. I am not saying this for you to get paranoid but just to make sure be extra cautious with your surroundings cause you never knew. Let me cite several examples of my life experience that taught me about 'Nature Cannot Be Changed!".

Story One 'Theft Case'
I had once a best friend 'Miss M' who was also my colleague during my time working for a construction company. I heard gossips about her thieving in the workplace, but I cannot believe it. I scolded whoever was trying to tell me to be careful. I defended her and even then told 'Miss M' about that story. 'Miss M' just laughed when I told her and she confirmed that she never stole anything from anyone. Of course, I believed her right. One good day after office, we went out together, had karaoke session, then coffee, then my home... all expenses paid by me. So when we reached my home, I went to cook dinner for us while she sat watching tv in the living room. And suddenly I felt the need to go inside my bedroom to change my clothes and there she was to my horror was holding my handbag with my wallet in her hand and she was about to open my wallet. With my big wide eyes, I asked her calmly "What are you doing?" and she said, "Oh sorry, I need money for taxi later". She bluntly telling me. I stopped my cooking and I told her, "Please Go Home". And off she went. After that day, she never explains to me anything, nor trying to talk to me. So I just kept to myself and after that, I got a new job offer so I changed job and never meet her again. I heard from my former colleagues that she was sacked from her job for her theft activities. I was just thinking to myself that I have brought her home so many times, I have no idea if even I lost any cash before that incident as I am the type who never count my cash in my wallet... Sigh.

Story Two 'Playgirl'
I met 'Miss S' when I was working in a 4-star Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. Both of us were Secretaries back then. She really wanted to be close to me and insisted that I become her best friend. But before we became close friends many staff tried to tell me that she was a 'Playgirl' and that she behaves like a slut. I cannot believe it and I felt pity for her and the more I cared for her as I felt she was a victim. I told Miss S and she cried like a river explaining that she felt humiliated being called a slut blah blah blah... I really felt a big sympathy for her that time. As I was a new staff there, I was also very happy to have someone like her to guide me as she joined few months before me. We were so close that we always spent time together in office until dinner every day. I also cooked dinner for her most of the time. During that time I also met my fiancee (now ex) in that new place and when he proposed at that time I just accepted without thinking too much. Many of my friends told me about them, my fiancee and 'Miss S', but I just closed my ears and eyes. I trusted them very much. But one day I saw them together hugging each other happily and so I decided to back off and broke off my engagement so that they can be happy together. I was not even sad because I was not thinking of getting married that time, so I think that it was okay. And then I changed job and then started a whole new life. I met 'Miss S' few months after that and found out they did not get along so Miss S and my ex just parted ways. On that day when I stumbled with Miss S, I was meeting my old friend 'Mr Z'. Miss S and Mr Z never meet each other so it was just reunion for me while they both just get to know each other. So I thought, this called for a good dinner for our reunion. We went to buy groceries and then headed to my home as I wish to cook a good dinner for them. And the horror story was... when I was starting to cook dinner, I walked over to my bedroom to get something and saw Miss S started to open her panty and show her xxxxx to Mr Z. What?? Miss S said sorry to me.. but you know how I felt... I felt so embarrassed. and so that's it... the end of my friendship with 'Miss S'... sigh.

I have many other stories that relate to 'nature cannot be changed' and it just is proven that you cannot change people, they were born naturally with these attitudes. So if you can accept these behaviors you may continue your relationship or friendship with that person. But if you can't, it will be better for you to move on. There is no need to be stressed whatsoever because you cannot change people okay, Don't Waste Your Time... 'Nature Cannot Be Changed!'... Trust Me! I have thousands of experience on this one.

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